tempest keep Boss Guides - TBC Classic

Phase 1
  • Have a tank on the left ramp for the initial pull.
  • Al'ar will fly to each platform every 30 seconds in a clockwise rotation.
  • A tank needs to be at the next pillar to avoid raid wide AoE damage from
    Flame Buffet
  • Every time Al'ar switches platforms, adds will spawn on the ground floor.
  • Melee DPS should bring the adds down to 10-20% health. Ranged DPS stays on Al'ar. Do not kill the adds until the beginning of Phase 2.
  • The tank on adds will eventually need dedicated healers.
  • When Al'ar switches platforms, he will sometimes fly to the middle of the room instead and start casting
    Flame Quills
    . Tanks on the upper platforms must jump down immediately.
  • After
    Flame Quills
    , Al'ar will fly to the East or West platform. There must be a tank present at both before he gets there.
Phase 2
  • Begins after killing Al'ar. He will cast
  • Kill all remaining adds from Phase 1. When they die, they deal 3% of Al'ar's max HP and explode, dealing damage and knocking back nearby players.
  • Tanks need to swap when afflicted by
    Melt Armor
  • Everyone should avoid
    Flame Patch
    on the ground.
  • Everyone should spread out when Al'ar flies in the air to avoid
    Dive Bomb
  • Al'ar will knockback and spawn 2 adds that need to be killed immediately after every
    Dive Bomb
  • Rogues can use
    Cloak of Shadows
    to help finish off the adds and avoid taking damage from the explosions.
  • During phase 1, tanks should stand on the edge of the platforms so they are in line of sight of the healers.
  • It's possible to do the platform rotations with 2 tanks.
Void Reaver
  • Tank and spank the entire fight.
  • Void Reaver will cast
    Knock Away
    on the main tank, reducing their threat. Off tank should be second on threat.
  • Healers should focus all melee during
  • Ranged should stay spread out and avoid
    Arcane Orbs
    casted on random players.
  • Rogues can use
    Cloak of Shadows
    to avoid damage from
  • Arcane Orbs
    spawn from the top of Void Reaver. It may be helpful to point your camera upwards so you can dodge them easier.
  • DPS need to watch their threat during this fight. Use any abilities that help reduce your threat. Rogues can
    , Hunters can
    Feign Death
    , and Warlocks can
High Astromancer Solarian
Phase 1
  • Ranged should stay stacked throughout this phase.
  • Players targeted by Wrath of the Astromancer must run away from the raid immediately.
  • Healers should watch out for randomly targeted Arcane Missiles.
Phase 2
  • Begins every 50 seconds. Solarian will disappear and spawn adds from three portals.
  • AoE the adds down immediately. Solarian will return after 15 seconds along with 2 additional priest adds.
  • Cleave down the priest adds on top of Solarian. Interrupt their healing casts.
Phase 3
  • Begins when Solarian reaches 20% health.
  • This is a tank and spank with an occasional AoE fear.
  • Solarian has no aggro table until Phase 3.
  • Priests can use
    Fear Ward
    and Shamans can use
    Tremor Totem
    to help with the AoE fear in Phase 3.
Kael'thas Sunstrider
Phase 1
  • Advisors will become active one at a time.
  • Thaladred: Silences players within 8 yds. Players targeted by
    must run away from him. Melee DPS should run away right before a new
    . Kill him in the back of the room.
  • Sanguinar: Tank and spank and occasionally casts
    Bellowing Roar
    . Ranged should stand at max range to avoid it.
  • Capernian: Only attacked by Ranged DPS standing at max range. She will cast
    Arcane Explosion
    if there are players within melee range. She will also cast
    on random players within 30 yards which should be soaked by a tank. A Warlock should tank her more than 30 yds away.
  • Telonicus: Tank and spank. Places
    Remote Toy
    debuff on random players which periodically stuns for 4 seconds. Make sure none of your tanks have the
    Remote Toy
    debuff going into Phase 2.
Phase 2
  • Begins when Telonicus is killed.
  • Seven legendary weapons will spawn that need to be killed.
  • Bow: Tanked by a Ranged DPS, facing it away from the raid to avoid Mult-Shot.
  • Axe: Tanked off to the side to avoid Whirlwind. Killed by Ranged DPS.
  • AoE down the rest of the weapons. Make sure to interrupt the Mace when it casts the heal.
  • Everyone should loot their appropriate weapon immediately when they die.
Phase 3
  • Begins 2 minutes after Phase 2 starts. Kael'thas will resurrect all advisors.
  • Tanks should be standing on the corpse of their assigned advisor before this phase begins.
  • The strategy for dealing with advisors from Phase 1 is the same, but they are all active at the same time.
  • Kill Thaladred first. Melee DPS then switches to Telonicus and Ranged DPS to Capernian. Sanguinar is last.
  • The tank on Sanguinar can use the legendary Shield ability to become immune to fears.
  • Casters with the legendary Staff can use its ability to make all players within 30 yds immune to Stun, Silence, and Disorient effects which prevents a lot of the mechanics.
  • Healers with the legendary Mace reduce damage taken by Fire and Shadow spells by 50% when they heal targets.
Phase 4
  • Begins 3 minutes after Phase 3 starts with Kael'thas joining the fight.
  • Set up an interrupt rotation for
  • Everyone should avoid
  • Random players will be mind controlled. Melee DPS with the legendary Dagger should use a low damage ability to break it. You can CC players affected in the meantime.
  • Kael'thas will spawn a Phoenix that needs to be tanked away from him and killed by Ranged DPS.
  • When the Phoenix dies, it will turn into an egg that needs to be killed within 15 seconds or the Phoenix will respawn.
  • Players with the Staff need to keep the buff up on everyone to prevent the dissorient from
    Arcane Disruption
    which will wipe the raid.
  • Every 3 minutes, Kael'thas will cast
    Shock Barrier
    followed by 3
  • The
    Shock Barrier
    needs to be broken in order to interrupt the
    casts. The first one can be absorbed with the legendary Shield's ability.
Phase 5
  • Begins when Kael'thas reaches 50% health.
  • Kill any remaining Phoenix during the transition.
  • Continue interrupting
  • Ranged DPS should continue killing Phoenix and their eggs.
  • Kael'thas no longer casts Mind Control or
  • During
    Gravity Lapse
    , everyone will swim through the air. Stay spread out during
    Gravity Lapse
    to avoid chaining
    Nether Beam
    . This ends after 30 seconds and every should be close to the ground to minimize fall damage.
  • Avoid
    Nether Vapor
  • Gravity Lapse
    ends after 30 seconds, make sure you are close to the ground before it ends to minimize fall damage.
  • The legendary weapons that drop in Phase 2 are tradeable.
  • Most legendary weapons have an on-use effect.