The Lich King - Icecrown Citadel (H) (10) Loot Table Wrath Classic (WOTLK)
The Lich King
Troggbane, Axe of the Frostborne King (H)
one-hand, axe
Windrunner's Heartseeker (H)
ranged, crossbow
Tel'thas, Dagger of the Blood King (H)
main hand, dagger
Stormfury, Black Blade of the Betrayer (H)
one-hand, dagger
Pugius, Fist of Defiance (H)
main hand, fist weapon
Valius, Gavel of the Lightbringer (H)
main hand, mace
Warmace of Menethil (H)
two-hand, mace
Halion, Staff of Forgotten Love (H)
two-hand, staff
Tainted Twig of Nordrassil (H)
two-hand, staff