icecrown citadel Boss Guides - Wrath Classic (WOTLK)

- Tanks stack to split damage from .Bone Slice
- Avoid . They will always move in a straight line, so you just need to side step.Coldflame
- Break out and heal players targeted by as quickly as possible.Bone Spike Graveyard
- Every 30 seconds, Lord Marrowgar will use . Move away if you are targeted during this.Bone Storm
- will apply a bleed that will need to be healed.Bone Storm
- During , Lord Marrowgar will periodically stop and cast fourBone Storms spawning directly underneath him.Coldflame
- Paladins can use and Shamans can useFrost Resistance Aurato help mitigate damage fromFrost Resistance Totem.Coldflame
Lady Deathwhisper
Phase 1
- Lady Deathwhisper is protected by a that needs to be depleted in order to start Phase 2.Mana Barrier
- This phase will be about keeping up damage on Lady Deathwhisper, without falling behind on the adds that will be spawning.
- Shortly after the start of the fight, and every minute after, 7 (3 in 10 man) adds will spawn. 3 on the left side, 3 on the right, and 1 from the stairs.
- The left side will always have 2 Fanatics and 1 Adherent, the right side will always have 2 Adherents and 1 Fanatic.
- Interrupt Adherents' , and removeDeathchill Boltfrom afflicted players.Curse of Torpor
- They will also randomly gain a buff called, , that needs to be broken by Physical DPS.Shroud of the Occult
- Fanatics will cast andNecrotic Strike.Vampiric Might
- Lady Deathwhisper will sometimes empower her adds.
- Empowered Adherents will gain and become uninterruptable.Deathchill Blast
- Empowered Fanatics will deal 100% increased damaged, but are slowed by 25% so they can be kited.
- Lady Deathwhisper will sometimes cast .Animate Dead
- Reanimated Fanatics take 99% reduced Physical Damage, and Reanimated Adherents take 99% reduced Magical Damage.
- Adherents and Fanatics will also sometimes randomly use , which will cause them to become reanimated after exploding.Dark Martyrdom
- Avoid , and Healers watch out for spike damage fromDeath and Decay.Shadow Bolt
- Crowd Control any players targeted by (25 man).Dominate Mind
- Any adds alive once the is depleted will need to be killed in Phase 2, so be careful when you transition into Phase 2.Mana Barrier
Phase 2
- Lady Deathwhisper will continue to cast andDeath and Decay.Dominate Mind
- Interrupt .Frostbolt
- Healers watch for AoE damage caused by .Frostbolt Volley
- Move away from Vengeful Shades, they will explode if they reach you.
- Tanks off each other to deal withTaunt.Touch of Insignificance
- Heroic Only - Adds will continue to spawn on one side of the room, and Vengeful Shades will do an AoE explosion instead of a single target one.
- Heroic Only - Lady Deathwhisper becomes immune to .Taunt
- Mages can and Shamans canSpellstealPurgefrom Fanatics.Vampiric Might
- Paladins can use and Shamans can useFrost Resistance Aurato help mitigate damage in Phase 3.Frost Resistance Totem
Gunship Battle
- Equip your Jetpacks.
- Assign players to the Gunship Cannons. Use to generate Heat, andCannon Blastto consume your Heat to prevent overheating.
- AoE down the adds that spawn on your ship. Melee DPS watch out for from Sergeants.Bladestorm
- Adds become stronger the longer they are left alive, so kill them as quickly as possible.
- Ranged DPS kill the Rifelmen on the enemy ship.
- Throughout the fight, the Gunship Cannons will become frozen and unuseable. You must kill the Mage on the enemy ship to break them free.
- Send a group consisting of Melee Dps, a Tank, and healers over to the enemy ship by using their Jetpacks.
- Kill the Mage as quickly as possible because the Commander on the enemy ship gains a stacking buff increasing their damage, which will eventually be too difficult to tank.
- Use Jetpacks to get back to your ship once the Mage is killed.
- Avoid enemy rockets on the ground when on your ship.
Deathbringer Saurfang
- Saurfang enrages after 6 minutes.
- He has two passive abilities andBlood Link.Blood Power
- Ranged stay spread to mitigate damage from .Blood Nova
- Healers watch out for players with .Boiling Blood
- Tanks off each other when afflicted byTaunt.Rune of Blood
- When Saurfang reaches 100 Blood Power, he will cast on a random player.Mark of the Fallen Champion
- This player must be kept alive or else they will heal Saurfang for 20% (5% on normal) of his Health.
- Every 35 seconds, 5 Blood Beasts (2 in 10 man) will spawn around Saurfang.
- Blood Beasts must be kited and killed by Ranged DPS. They have so they must be killed with single target abilities.Resistant Skin
- Heroic Only - Blood Beasts will cast shortly after spawning.Scent of Blood
- Saurfang uses at 30% HP.Frenzy
- Blood Beasts can be Crowd Controlled. Hunters and Mages are great at dealing with Blood Beasts with andFrost Trap. Paladins should always haveFrost Novaavailable as well.Hammer of Justice
- Melee DPS be careful using AoE abilities such as if Blood Beasts are about to spawn to prevent pulling aggro on them.Divine Storm
- Festergut enrages after 5 minutes.
- Heal raid wide damage caused by .Gaseous Blight
- Ranged stay spread out to avoid multiple players being hit by .Vile Gas
- Tanks will receive a stacking debuff called . They mustGastric Bloatoff each other when at 9 stacks to prevent exploding and wiping the raid.Taunt
- Heroic Only - Professor Putricide will periodically toss at random players from the balcony, these must be dodged.Malleable Goo
- Throughout the fight, Festergut will cast , which also reduces the damage dealt byInhale Blight.Gaseous Blight
- This means that that raid wide damage will decrease, but Tank damage will increase substantially after each cast.Inhale Blight
- Throughout the fight, 3 random players (2 in 10 man) will be inflicted with , which will detonate after 12 seconds.Gas Spore
- Everyone in the raid must stack up on one of the players with , so they can receive a stacking buff to prevent being killed byGas Spore, then spread back out.Pungent Blight
- About 20 seconds after Festergut uses for the third time, he will castInhale Blightwhich will remove your buff stacks, remove Festergut's stacking damage buff, and releasePungent Blightback into the room.Gaseous Blight
- Heroic Only - might be casted when you are stacking up for theMalleable Gooexplosion, so react accordingly.Gas Spore
- Paladin Tanks can remove withGastric Bloat.Divine Shield
- Mages and Shadow Priests can use andIce Blockto survive damage caused byDispersion, so they can ignore stacking forPungent Blight.Gas Spore
- Heroic Only - Professor Putricide will periodically cast at random ranged players from the balcony, so stay spread out just like on the Festergut fight.Vile Gas
- Avoid .Slime Spray
- Throughout the fight, an outer quarter of the room will be covered by . Each quarter will be covered at least once before repeating.Ooze Flood
- Throughout the fight, players will be randomly inflicted with , which will spawn a Small Ooze when Cleansed or when the debuff runs out.Mutated Infection
- Two Small Oozes will merge into a Big Ooze, and a Big Ooze will gain a stacking damage buff when it merges with a Small Ooze.
- Once a Big Ooze merges with a Small Ooze 5 times, it will use and kill itself.Unstable Ooze Explosion
- The Off Tank will tank the first two Small Oozes before they merge, they will then will kite the Big Ooze around the outer edge of the room.
- Players who get inflicted with must run in front of the Off Tank's path, so when they get Cleansed, the Big Ooze will run into the Small Ooze and merge.Mutated Infection
- Be careful not to accidentally merge two Small Oozes when you already have a Big Ooze alive.
- The Off Tank can run through while kiting, Paladins can useOoze Floodto help out.Hand of Freedom
Professor Putricide
All Phases
- Heroic Only - Professor Putricide will cast on a random player.Unbound Plague
- Heroic Only - After taking a few ticks from the debuff, pass it onto another player who doesn't have the debuff.Plague Sickness
Phase 1
- Off Tank should click the table to gain control of Mutated Abomination.
- Use to consumeEat Oozepuddles on the ground.Mutated Slime
- Professor Putricide will alternate spawning a Volatile Ooze from the Green Tank, and a Gas Cloud from the Orange Tank.
- Volatile Ooze will always be the first one to spawn, so start the fight with Professor Putricide tanked near the Orange Tank.
- Volatile Ooze will cast on a random player when it spawns, and must be killed before it reaches that player or else it will explode.Volatile Ooze Adhesive
- The Off Tank controlling Mutated Abomination should use to slow it down.Regurgitated Ooze
- After killing the Volatile Ooze, the whole raid should move towards the Green Tank, as a Gas Cloud will shortly spawn from the Orange Tank.
- The Gas Cloud will put on a random player that starts at 10 stacks, and automatically remove 1 stack every 2 seconds.Gaseous Bloat
- If the Gas Cloud reaches the player, it will deal increased damage based on the number of stacks, so kill it before it reaches that player.Gaseous Bloat
- The Off Tank controlling Mutated Abomination should use to slow it down.Regurgitated Ooze
Phase 2
- Starts at 80% Health.
- Heroic Only - Professor Putricide will inflict half the raid with and the other half withOoze Variableand spawns a Volatile Ooze and a Gas Cloud.Gas Variable
- Heroic Only - The Off Tank controlling Mutated Abomination will only be able to slow one of the adds, so kite effectively and DPS whichever add your debuff allows you to.
- This phase is the same as Phase 1, with two additional abilities andChoking Gas Bomb.Malleable Goo
- Move away from before they explode.Choking Gas Bomb
- Ranged players dodge .Malleable Goo
Phase 3
- Starts at 35% Health.
- Just like Phase 2, Professor Putricide will inflict half the raid with and the other half withOoze Variableand spawns a Volatile Ooze and a Gas Cloud.Gas Variable
- Adds will stop spawning, but andChoking Gas Bombwill continue to be casted.Malleable Goo
- Kill any remaining adds from the previous phase.
- The Mutated Abomination will despawn, and the Off Tank must help tank Professor Putricide to deal with .Mutated Plague
- This means will no longer be getting consumed, and will slowly fill the entire room.Mutated Slime
- Three Tanks are recommended for this to manage the stacks of , since each stack will do increasing raid wide damage, soMutated Plagueoff each other each stack.Taunt
Blood Prince Council
- Only one Prince can be damaged at a time because of . This will also give that Prince access to an empowered version of one of their spells.Invocation of Blood
- switches every 30 seconds.Invocation of Blood
- Valanar will always be the Prince with at the start of the fight.Invocation of Blood
- Stay spread out to mitigate damage from Valanar's .Shock Vortex
- For , Melee run out and spread out when the cast begins.Empowered Shock Vortex
- Assign Ranged DPS to deal with Valanar's to prevent them from hitting the ground.Kinetic Bombs
- Stay spread out to mitigate damage from Taldaram's .Glittering Sparks
- If targeted by Taldaram's , orBall of Flames, run away from it.Empowered Ball of Flames
- While the player runs away, the rest of the raid should run with the to drain its power before it reaches its target.Ball of Flames
- The third Prince Keleseth will cast and will summon Dark Nucleus.Shadow Lance
- The Tank on Keleseth, which can be a Ranged Tank like a Warlock, needs to damage the Dark Nucleus to gain the buff .Shadow Resonance
- Aim to have at least 3 stacks of to deal withShadow Resonance.Empowered Shadow Lance
- Heroic Only - Limit movement as much as possible to deal with .Shadow Prison
Blood-Queen Lana'thel
- Two Tanks are needed to deal with .Blood Mirror
- Healers watch out for on the Tank.Delirious Slash
- Blood-Queen has an aura called that deals raid wide damage the entire encounter.Shroud of Sorrow
- Heroic Only - damage will increase with each player who has theShroud of Sorrowbuff.Essence of the Blood Queen
- Ranged stay spread out in a semi-circle to deal with , but try to leave an opening in the center of the room to dealTwilight Bloodbolt. Linked players run to the center of the room to remove the debuff.Pact of the Darkfallen
- Run away if targeted by , it will follow you until the debuff expires.Swarming Shadows
- Every 2 minutes, Blood-Queen will fly into the air and use and castIncite Terroron the entire raid.Bloodbolt Whirl
- Spread out as quickly as possible once the fear from finishes.Incite Terror
- 15 Seconds after the start of the fight, Blood-Queen will use on the highest threat player besides the Tank.Vampiric Bite
- This player will gain the buff for 60 seconds.Essence of the Blood Queen
- After 60 seconds, your Action Bars will change, and you must use on another player to prevent being Mind Controlled within 10 seconds.Vampiric Bite
- Every 60 seconds for the rest of the fight, players with the will need to useEssence of the Blood Queenon a player who hasn't been bitten yet.Vampiric Bite
- Blood-Queen has a 5:30 minute enrage timer. Assuming everyone is using as quickly as they can, you should have 16 DPS withVampiric Bitearound the 4:30 mark.Essence of the Blood Queen
- This will be the best time to use .Bloodlust
- Priests can use and Shamans can useFear Wardto mitigate fear fromTremor Totem.Incite Terror
Valithria Dreamwalker
- Valithria must be healed to 100% HP to end the encounter.
- Heroic Only - Her health decays over time.
- Assign healers to heal Valithria and healers to heal the raid.
- AoE the Archmages who surround Valithria.
- Every 30 seconds, will spawn. They will look like red orbs (green on normal) on the ground before they become active.Nightmare Portals
- The healers assigned to Valithria must enter the portals and touch orbs, which will grant them .Emerald Vigor
- Heroic Only - These orbs will apply a DoT, and these orbs do not respawn which means you need to leave orbs up for future to maintain your stacks ofNightmare Portals.Emerald Vigor
- It's imperative healers assigned to Valithria maintain their stacks throughout the fight.
- For dealing with the adds that spawn, split the raid into two groups for the left and the right side of the room.
- Kill Blazing Skeletons as quickly as possible because of their ability.Lay Waste
- Suppressers will channel on Valithria.Suppression
- Risen Archmages will cast ,Column of Frost, andFrostbolt Volley.Mana Void
- Interrupt .Frostbolt Volley
- Heroic Only - drains 2,000 Mana.Frostbolt Volley
- A Ranged DPS can kite the Zombies. They will cast and useCorrosion.Acid Burst
- Have your Tanks pick up the Abominations. They will cast which is a cleansable Disease, and spawn Rot Worms when they die.Gut Spray
- Hunters and Mages are great at dealing with Zombies with andFrost Trap.Frost Nova
Ground Phase
- Face Sindragosa away from the raid because of .Frost Breath
- The raid should stand on the sides of her to avoid her .Tail Smash
- Heal raid wide damage caused by .Frost Aura
- Tanks, and Physical DPS will need to watch their debuff stacks.Permeating Chill
- Casters will need to deal with the debuff, which will apply stacks of theUnchained Magicdebuff.Instability
- Heroic Only - damage is noe AoE instead of single target.Instability
- Throughout this phase, Sindragosa will cast , and then begin to castIcy Grip. You must run away from her to avoid being hit by it.Blistering Cold
Air Phase
- Occurs about every 2 minutes.
- Sindragosa will mark 6 players (2 in 10 man) with .Frost Beacon
- These players must not be near anyone when they become an .Ice Tomb
- Sindragosa will then cast 4 times at random locations that must be avoided by standing behind anFrost Bomb.Ice Tomb
- During this time, the raid should be damaging each so they are quickly broken after the 4thIce Tombis casted because the players inside will start to suffer fromFrost Bomb.Asphyxiation
Phase 3
- Starts at 35% HP.
- Sindragosa will use all of her abilities from her Ground Phase and will no longer go into her Air Phase.
- She stops casting , but will still castFrost BombandFrost Beacon.Ice Tomb
- Standing behind an will be required to deal with her new ability in this phaseIce Tombto limit stacks getting too high.Mystic Buffet
- Paladins can use and Shamans can useFrost Resistance Aura.Frost Resistance Totem
The Lich King
Phase 1
- Tank the The Lich King near the edge of the platform, or make sure he's there before he transitions into the next phase.
- Healers top off targets inflicted with .Infest
- Heroic Only - Stay spread out to help deal with . Move away when targeted with it.Shadow Trap
- Drudge Ghouls will die to passive cleave.
- Shambling Horror must be tanked away and faced away from the raid because of . They are stunnable.Shockwave
- They will which can be removed by HunterEnrage.Tranquilizing Shot
- Shambling Horrors will at 20% health.Frenzy
- All DPS will focus on The Lich King, the Shambling Horrors will be killed by .Necrotic Plague
- Every 15 seconds, will be applied to a random player. This player must run near a Shambling Horror and get Cleansed, so the debuff will go on to them.Necrotic Plague
- Every time bounces, The Lich King will gain a stacking buff calledNecrotic Plague.Plague Siphon
Phase 1.5
- Starts at 70% Health.
- The player who gets during the transition must move away from the raid and get Cleansed.Necrotic Plague
- The Lich King will run to the center of the room and cast . Get to the edge of the platform to avoid it.Remorseless Winter
- Stay spread out to mitigate damage from .Pain and Suffering
- Ranged DPS kill Ice Spheres before they reach the raid or else they will cast .Ice Burst
- Tanks pick up Raging Spirits that spawn from players and face them away from the raid because of their .Soul Shriek
- Raging Spirits get summoned every 20 seconds. After the third one, The Lich King will cast .Quake
- The raid must move away from the edge of the platform.
Phase 2
- The Lich King will continue to cast from Phase 1.Infest
- Run to the center of the room and finish killing any remaining Raging Spirits.
- Two Val'kyr will pick up two random players and attempt to drop them off the edge of the platform.
- DPS them to 50% (need to kill on normal) health so they drop the player.
- Heroic Only - They will then begin to cast in the air. Tanks shouldLife Siphonthem.Taunt
- The other ability the raid will need to deal with is , which requires you to stay spread out to avoid it growing. Try to dropDefileoutside the inner circle if you can.Defile
- This means you will be stacking as best you can in the center of the room before a Val'kyr, and spreading out as best you can in the center of the room before Defile gets casted.
- Rotate raid cooldowns on the Tank when The Lich King uses .Soul Reaper
Phase 2.5
- Same as Phase 1.5, but Raging Spirits spawn every 15 seconds.
- This phase will last 1 minute.
Phase 3
- The Lich King will continue to cast andDefilefrom Phase 2.Soul Reaper
- Kill any remaining Raging Spirits.
- Heroic Only - At the start of the phase, and about every 1:45 afterwards, The Lich King will cast and teleport everyone to a new room.Harvest Souls
- Normal Only - The Lich King will cast , and only teleport one person instead of the whole raid.Harvest Soul
- Ranged DPS kill the Wicked Spirits in the air, and everyone needs to dodge the bombs they drop after they die.
- If anyone dies in here, the The Lich King will gain a stacking buff called .Harvested Soul
- You will be teleported back to the main platform in 40 seconds.
- Immediately spread out since will be casted as soon as you return.Defile
- Every 30 seconds, 10 Vile Spirits will spawn that can be killed by AoE, or be soaked by Off Tank since they explode on contact.
- The Lich King will enrage after 15 minutes.
- The fight is over once he reaches 10% HP.