Valorous Siegebreaker Breastplate

Valorous Siegebreaker Breastplate
Binds when picked up
2384 Armor
+143 Stamina
+113 Strength
blue Socket
yellow Socket
Socket Bonus: + 6 Defense Rating
Durability 165 / 165
Classes: Warrior
Requires Level 80
Item Level 225
Equip: Increases defense rating by 50.
Equip: Increases your parry rating by 60.
Equip: Increases the block value of your shield by 147.
Valorous Siegebreaker Plate (0/5)
- Valorous Siegebreaker Breastplate
- Valorous Siegebreaker Greathelm
- Valorous Siegebreaker Handguards
- Valorous Siegebreaker Legguards
- Valorous Siegebreaker Pauldrons
- (2) Set: Increases the critical strike chance of your Devastate ability by 10%.
- (4) Set: Shield Block also grants you 10% reduction to magical damage taken.
Item Information
Source: Ulduar (10) - Yogg-Saron
Drop Chance: 33%