Valorous Aegis Tunic

Valorous Aegis Tunic
Binds when picked up
2384 Armor
+84 Stamina
+86 Intellect
yellow Socket
blue Socket
Socket Bonus: + 7 Spell Power
Durability 165 / 165
Classes: Paladin
Requires Level 80
Item Level 225
Equip: Improves your critical strike rating by 57.
Equip: Increases spell power by 112.
Equip: Restores 37 mana per 5 sec.
Valorous Aegis Regalia (0/5)
- Valorous Aegis Gloves
- Valorous Aegis Greaves
- Valorous Aegis Headpiece
- Valorous Aegis Spaulders
- Valorous Aegis Tunic
- (2) Set: Your Holy Shock critical heals now also place a periodic healing effect on the target, healing for 15% of the Holy Shock's heal amount over 9 sec.
- (4) Set: Your Sacred Shield can now trigger its effect every 4 sec instead of every 6.
Item Information
Source: Ulduar (10) - Yogg-Saron
Drop Chance: 33%