Koltira's Legguards of Triumph

Koltira's Legguards of Triumph
Binds when picked up
2164 Armor
+180 Stamina
+103 Strength
red Socket
blue Socket
Socket Bonus: + 9 Stamina
Durability 120 / 120
Classes: Death Knight
Requires Level 80
Item Level 245
Equip: Increases defense rating by 65.
Equip: Increases your dodge rating by 71.
Equip: Increases your parry rating by 61.
Koltira's Plate (0/5)
- Koltira's Chestguard
- Koltira's Faceguard
- Koltira's Handguards
- Koltira's Legguards
- Koltira's Pauldrons
- (2) Set: Decreases the cooldown on your Dark Command ability by 2 sec and increases the damage done by your Blood Strike and Heart Strike abilities by 5%.
- (4) Set: Decreases the cooldown on your Unbreakable Armor, Vampiric Blood, and Bone Shield abilities by 10 sec.
Item Information
Source: Multiple - Emblem of Triumph (75) & Trophy of the Crusade (1), Koralon the Flame Watcher (25)