Conqueror's Deathbringer Robe

Conqueror's Deathbringer Robe
Binds when picked up
322 Armor
+88 Stamina
+81 Intellect
red Socket
yellow Socket
Socket Bonus: + 7 Spell Power
Durability 100 / 100
Classes: Warlock
Requires Level 80
Item Level 232
Equip: Improves your critical strike rating by 70.
Equip: Increases your hit rating by 78.
Equip: Increases spell power by 132.
Conqueror's Deathbringer Garb (0/5)
- Conqueror's Deathbringer Gloves
- Conqueror's Deathbringer Hood
- Conqueror's Deathbringer Leggings
- Conqueror's Deathbringer Robe
- Conqueror's Deathbringer Shoulderpads
- (2) Set: Increases the damage done by your Unstable Affliction by 20% and your Immolate by 10%.
- (4) Set: Increases the critical strike chance of your Shadow Bolt and Incinerate spells by 5%.
Item Information
Source: Multiple - Hodir (25), Emblem of Conquest (58)
Drop Chance: 33%