Unholy Death Knight PvE Guide - Wrath Classic (WOTLK)
Unholy Death Knights are one of three specializations to bring an increased spell power taken debuff with . They can also bring depending on their build, and all Death Knights also bring an agility and strength buff with .
Ebon Plaguebringer
Improved Icy Touch
Horn of Winter
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Unholy Death Knight Rotation
Unholy Death Knights have a true rotation that revolves around maintaining and with and , and to consume Blood Runes, and casting as often as possible.
Frost Fever
Blood Plague
Icy Touch
Plague Strike
Blood Strike
Blood Boil
Death and Decay
- Start in .Unholy Presence
- You can also use andDeath and Decaybefore pull for Runic Power.Horn of Winter
- Use andBone Shield10 seconds before pull.Ghoul Frenzy
- Pre-pot if you will castPotion of Speedmore than once in the fight.Summon Gargoyle
- Use .Icy Touch
- Use .Plague Strike
- Use .Blood Strike
- If you have , useScourge StrikeintoScourge Strike. Otherwise, useBlood Strike.Death and Decay
- Use .Blood Tap
- Use .Ghoul Frenzy
- Use .Summon Gargoyle
- Use .Empower Rune Weapon
- Activate any on-use effects. (Trinkets, racials, etc).
- If you have , useScourge Strike. Otherwise, skip this step.Death and Decay
- Use .Army of the Dead
- Use .Icy Touch
- Use .Plague Strike
- Use .Blood Boil
- Use onceBlood Presenceends.Summon Gargoyle
- Proceed with normal rotation.
Single Target
- Use .Blood Presence
- Maintain if assigned.Horn of Winter
- Maintain .Bone Shield
- Use .Summon Gargoyle
- Use .Empower Rune Weapon
- Use withBlood Tap.Ghoul Frenzy
True Rotation
- Use if you will cap on Runic Power or have a free GCD.Death Coil
- Use .Icy Touch
- Use .Plague Strike
- Use .Blood Strike
- Use .Death and Decay
- If has 10 seconds or less remaining:Ghoul Frenzy
- Use .Ghoul Frenzy
- Use .Icy Touch
- Use .Blood Boil
- Proceeed to steps 1 - 5.
- If has more than 10 seconds remaining:Ghoul Frenzy
- Use if talented, otherwise useScourge Strikefollowed byIcy Touch.Plague Strike
- Use .Blood Boil
- Proceeed to steps 1 - 5.
- Use if you will cap on Runic Power or have a free GCD.Death Coil
- Use .Icy Touch
- Use .Plague Strike
- As long as you have available, useBlood Tapto procBlood Strike.Desolation
- Use .Pestilence
- Use .Blood Tap
- Use .Death and Decay
- If has 10 seconds or less remaining:Ghoul Frenzy
- Use .Ghoul Frenzy
- Use .Icy Touch
- Use .Pestilence
- Proceeed to steps 1 - 6.
- If has more than 10 seconds remaining:Ghoul Frenzy
- Use if talented, otherwise useScourge Strikefollowed byIcy Touch.Plague Strike
- Use .Pestilence
- Proceeed to steps 1 - 6.
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Unholy Death Knight Talents
Dual-wield Build
This is a modern Unholy Death Knight build that completely changes the traditional way of playing by adding spells like and to the single target rotation.
Death and Decay
Blood Boil
Scourge Strike
When you get Sigil of Virulence (phase 3), this build will outperform the one above.
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Unholy Death Knight Glyphs
- Major: ,
Death and Decay
,Dark Death
- Minor: ,
Blood Tap
,Raise Dead
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Unholy Death Knight Stats
Hit Cap
- 10% (263 Rating) with ,Heroic Presence, andVirulenceorMiseryImproved Faerie Fire
- 11% (289 Rating) with andVirulenceorMiseryImproved Faerie Fire
- 13% (342 Rating) with andHeroic PresenceVirulence
- 14% (368 Rating) with Virulence
Expertise Cap
- 132 Rating with from Dwarf orMace Specializationfrom Orc, andAxe SpecializationRage of Rivendare
- 148 Rating with orMace Specializationfrom Human, andSword SpecializationRage of Rivendare
- 173 Rating with Rage of Rivendare
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Unholy Death Knight Best Consumables
Flasks and Elixirs
- Best:
- Flask of Endless Rage
- Alternatives:
- ,Elixir of Mighty Strength
- Elixir of Protection
- Best:
- Dragonfin Filet
- Alternatives:
- ,Snapper Extreme
- ,Worg Tartare
- Rhinolicious Wormsteak
- Best:
- Potion of Speed
- Alternatives:
- Indestructible Potion
- Best:
- Spiced Mammoth Treats
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Unholy Death Knight Best Races
- Human: andSword SpecializationMace Specialization
- Dwarf: Mace Specialization
- Draenei: Heroic Presence
- Orc: andAxe SpecializationBlood Fury
- Troll: Berserking
- Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Unholy Death Knight Best Professions
- Engineering: Best profession thanks to ,Nitro Boostsenchants,Hyperspeed Accelerators, andGlobal Thermal Sapper Chargefor early gearing.Charged Titanium Specs
- Jewelcrafting: Second best profession thanks to the 3 unique gems such as .Bold Dragon's Eye
- Blacksmithing: Third best profession during phases 3+ thanks to andSocket Bracer.Socket Gloves
- Leatherworking, Tailoring, Enchanting, Inscription, and Alchemy: All provide comparable stat bonuses with ,Fur Lining - Attack Power,Swordguard Embroidery,Ring - Assault, andMaster's Inscription of the Axerespectively.Mixology
- Skinning: .Master of Anatomy