Blood Dps Death Knight PvE Guide - Wrath Classic (WOTLK)
Blood Death Knights are one of three specializations that bring an attack power buff with . All Death Knights also bring an agility and strength buff with .
Abomination's Might
Horn of Winter
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Blood Dps Death Knight Rotation
Blood Death Knights have a simple priority rotation. The most important talent for Blood Death Knights is which makes your Frost and Unholy Runes become Death Runes when they activate, meaning they count as Blood, Frost, or Unholy. This gives Blood Death Knights a lot of flexibility for what abilities they can use since they aren't restricted to the 2x2x2 Rune setup you start the fight with and it enables you to use 4 times in a row in the rotation.
Death Rune Mastery
Heart Strike
- Use .Unholy Presence
- Use 10 seconds before pull.Army of the Dead
- Use 6 seconds before pull.Blood Presence
- Use 1 second before the pull.Horn of Winter
- Pre-pot .Potion of Speed
- Use .Icy Touch
- Use .Plague Strike
- Activate any on-use effects. (Trinkets, racials, etc) and .Hysteria
- Use .Death Strike
- Use .Heart Strike
- Use .Heart Strike
- Use .Raise Dead
- Use .Dancing Rune Weapon
- Use .Empower Rune Weapon
- Use .Death Strike
- Use .Heart Strike
- Use .Heart Strike
- Use .Blood Tap
- Use .Heart Strike
- Use .Heart Strike
- Use .Heart Strike
- Use .Heart Strike
- Use to refresh diseases.Pestilence
- Empty Runic Power with .Death Coil
- Proceed with normal rotation.
Single Target
- Use .Blood Presence
- Maintain if assigned.Horn of Winter
- Use .Blood Tap
- Use .Empower Rune Weapon
- Use .Hysteria
- Use .Dancing Rune Weapon
- Maintain diseases with .Pestilence
- Use .Heart Strike
- Use .Death Strike
- Empty Runic Power with .Death Coil
- Same as single target unless there's 5 or more mobs, at which point you use instead ofBlood Boil.Heart Strike
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Blood Dps Death Knight Talents
Standard Build
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Blood Dps Death Knight Glyphs
- Major: ,
Dancing Rune Weapon
,Death Strike
- Minor: ,
Horn of Winter
,Raise Dead
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Blood Dps Death Knight Best Consumables
Flasks and Elixirs
- Best:
- Flask of Endless Rage
- Alternatives:
- ,Elixir of Mighty Strength
- Elixir of Protection
- Best:
- ,Dragonfin Filet
- Hearty Rhino
- Alternatives:
- ,Snapper Extreme
- ,Worg Tartare
- Rhinolicious Wormsteak
- Best:
- Potion of Speed
- Alternatives:
- Indestructible Potion
- Best:
- Spiced Mammoth Treats
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Blood Dps Death Knight Best Races
- Human: andSword SpecializationMace Specialization
- Dwarf: Mace Specialization
- Draenei: Heroic Presence
- Troll: Berserking
- Orc: andAxe SpecializationBlood Fury
- Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Blood Dps Death Knight Best Professions
- Engineering: Best profession thanks to ,Nitro Boosts,Hyperspeed Acceleratorsenchants,Flexweave Underlay, andGlobal Thermal Sapper Chargefor early gearing.Charged Titanium Specs
- Jewelcrafting: Second best profession thanks to the 3 unique gems such as andBold Dragon's Eye.Rigid Dragon's Eye
- Blacksmithing: Third best profession during phases 3+ thanks to andSocket Bracer.Socket Gloves
- Leatherworking, Tailoring, Enchanting, Inscription, and Alchemy: All provide comparable stat bonuses with ,Fur Lining - Attack Power,Swordguard Embroidery,Ring - Assault, andMaster's Inscription of the Axerespectively.Mixology
- Skinning: .Master of Anatomy