Arcane Mage PvE Guide - Wrath Classic (WOTLK)
Arcane Mages bring which is a raid wide damage increase and all Mages will still bring with them as well.
Arcane Empowerment
Arcane Intellect
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Arcane Mage Rotation
Arcane Mages follow a simple 4x1 rotation using and to consume . Since has only a 40% chance to proc, there will be times where you will need to cast more than 4 s, which will eat up your mana faster than normal. from Restoration Shamans, from Druids, and any of the specializations that provide a raid wide mana regeneration buff will be beneficial to you.
Arcane Blast
Arcane Missiles
Missile Barrage
Missile Barrage
Arcane Blast
Mana Tide Totem
- Pre-pot .Potion of Speed
- Pre-cast .Mirror Image
- Cast 3 times.Arcane Blast
- Cast withPresence of Mind.Arcane Blast
- Cast ,Icy Veins, and any on-use trinkets.Arcane Power
- If you have a proc, useMissile Barrage, otherwise keep usingArcane Missilesuntil you get one.Arcane Blast
- Cast 4 times.Arcane Blast
- If you have a proc, useMissile Barrage, otherwise keep usingArcane Missilesuntil you get one.Arcane Blast
- Proceed with normal priorities.
Single Target
- Use .Molten Armor
- Cast withPresence of Mind.Arcane Blast
- Cast andIcy Veins.Arcane Power
- Cast at least 4 times before consuming yourArcane Blastproc withMissile Barrage. (If you are conserving Mana, useArcane Missilesafter casting 3Arcane Missiles.Arcane Blast
- Cast while moving.Mirror Image
- Cast if the target will die before your nextFire Blastcast finishes or while moving.Arcane Blast
- Cast when you run out of mana.Evocation
- Cast withBlizzardbecause ofPresence of Mind.Arcane Potency
- Cast .Flamestrike R9
- Cast .Flamestrike R8
- Cast .Blizzard
- Cast andArcane Explosionwhile moving or to finish off low health enemies.Cone of Cold
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Arcane Mage Talents
Standard Build
There are a few points you can move around in the Arcane Tree depending on the situation. We opted to max out and , but the other talents you can choose are , , or .
Arcane Stability
Student of the Mind
Magic Attunement
Arcane Meditation
Incanter's Absorption
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Arcane Mage Glyphs
- Major: ,
Arcane Missiles
,Arcane Blast
Molten Armor
- Minor: ,
Arcane Intellect
Slow Fall
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Arcane Mage Stats
Hit Cap
- 7% (184 Rating) with ,Heroic Presence,Arcane Focus, andPrecisionorImproved Faerie FireMisery
- 8% (210 Rating) with ,Arcane Focus, andPrecisionorImproved Faerie FireMisery
- 10% (263 Rating) with ,Heroic Presence, andArcane FocusPrecision
- 11% (289 Rating) with andArcane FocusPrecision
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Arcane Mage Best Consumables
Flasks and Elixirs
- Best:
- Flask of the Frost Wyrm
- Alternatives:
- ,Spellpower Elixir
- Elixir of Spirit
- Best:
- ,Fish Feast
- ,Tender Shoveltusk Steak
- Firecracker Salmon
- Alternatives:
- ,Great Feast
- ,Dalaran Clam Chowder
- ,Shoveltusk Steak
- ,Smoked Salmon
- ,Snapper Extreme
- Worg Tartare
- Best:
- Potion of Speed
- Alternatives:
- ,Potion of Wild Magic
- Runic Mana Potion
- Best:
- orDark RuneDemonic Rune
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Arcane Mage Best Races
- Gnome: Expansive Mind
- Draenei: Heroic Presence
- Human: The Human Spirit
- Troll: Berserking
- Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Arcane Mage Best Professions
- Engineering: Best profession thanks to ,Nitro Boosts,Hyperspeed Acceleratorsenchants,Springy Arachnoweave, andGlobal Thermal Sapper Chargefor early gearing.Visage Liquification Goggles
- Tailoring: Second best profession thanks to .Lightweave Embroidery
- Jewelcrafting: Third best profession thanks to the 3 unique gems such as andRuned Dragon's Eye.Rigid Dragon's Eye
- Blacksmithing: Fourth best profession during phases 3+ thanks to andSocket Bracer.Socket Gloves
- Leatherworking, Enchanting, Inscription, and Alchemy: All provide comparable stat bonuses with ,Fur Lining - Spell Power,Ring - Greater Spell Power, andMaster's Inscription of the Stormrespectively.Mixology
- Skinning: .Master of Anatomy