Affliction Warlock PvE Guide - Wrath Classic (WOTLK)
Affliction Warlocks bring important buffs and debuffs to the raid. For buffs, provides intellect and spirit. For debuffs, provides increased spell critical strike chance, increases spell power taken, and can even spec into which further decreases the enemy's attack power if neccessary.
Fel Intelligence
Improved Shadow Bolt
Curse of the Elements
Improved Curse of Weakness
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Affliction Warlock Rotation
Affliction Warlocks become a true DoT specialization in Wrath of the Lich King, with access to new tools such as , and the new interaction of during execute phases. They excel in situations where they can apply dots on multiple enemies, and continue to be a reliable source of AoE damage thanks to .
Drain Soul
Seed of Corruption
- Cast forLife Tappre-pull.
Glyph of Life Tap
- Pre-pot .Potion of Wild Magic
- Pre-cast to applyShadow Boltif assigned.Improved Shadow Bolt
- Cast .Haunt
- Cast .Unstable Affliction
- Cast .Corruption
- Cast .Curse of Agony
- Cast .Shadow Bolt
- Perform normal priorities.
Single Target
- Use .Summon Felhunter
- Cast if available and the rest of the fight will not last longer than 1 minute.Inferno
- Maintain debuff if assigned. This means you might need to castImproved Shadow Boltevery now and then during your execute phase.Shadow Bolt
- Maintain if assigned.Curse of the Elements
- Maintain .Corruption,Drain Soul, andShadow Boltwill take care of this withHaunt.Everlasting Affliction
- Maintain buff.
Glyph of Life Tap
- Refresh manually when the target reaches 35% health so it benefits fromCorruption.Death's Embrace
- Maintain . Keep in mind this spell has a travel time.Haunt
- Maintain . Let it expire before you re-apply it.Unstable Affliction
- Maintain . Let it expire before you re-apply it.Curse of Agony
- Cast on targets 25% HP or below. You should interruptDrain Soulright after one of its 5 ticks to maintain your DoTs if they are about to expire.Drain Soul
- Cast .Shadow Bolt
- Maintain ,Corruption, andUnstable Afflictionon all of them.Curse of Agony
- Maintain on highest priority target.Haunt
- Cast orShadow Bolt.Drain Soul
- Cast if targets are close enough.Shadowflame
- Cast .Seed of Corruption
For 1 or 2 additional targets
For large pulls:
- Snapshotting is a term where abilities "snapshot" certain buffs and debuffs such as Percentage Damage Modifiers (,Tricks of the Trade,Death's Embrace, etc), and Critical Strike (Shadow Weaving,Potion of Wild Magic,Moonkin Form, etc) at the time it was casted. Technically all of the caster's stats will be snapshotted, but the one's mentioned previously are the only one's that persist for DoTs that are not refreshed manually such asImproved Shadow Bolt,Shadow Word: Painfor Affliction Warlocks, andCorruptionfor Survival Hunters. The reason this is important for Affliction Warlocks is because they never refresh theirSerpent Stingafter applying it sinceCorruption,Drain Soul, andShadow Boltwill take care of this withHaunt. This is why you also re-applyEverlasting Afflictionmanually when the target reaches 35% health so it benefits fromCorruption.Death's Embrace
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Affliction Warlock Talents
Standard Build
If you aren't worried about spell pushback, you can move the point from into .
Intensity R1
Amplify Curse
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Affliction Warlock Glyphs
- Major: ,
,Quick Decay
Life Tap
- Minor: ,
Drain Soul
,Enslave Demon
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Affliction Warlock Stats
Hit Cap
- 10% (263 Rating) with ,Heroic Presence, andSuppressionorMiseryImproved Faerie Fire
- 11% (289 Rating) with andSuppressionorMiseryImproved Faerie Fire
- 13% (342 Rating) with andHeroic PresenceSuppression
- 14% (368 Rating) with Suppression
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Affliction Warlock Best Consumables
Flasks and Elixirs
- Best:
- Flask of the Frost Wyrm
- Alternatives:
- ,Spellpower Elixir
- Elixir of Spirit
- Best:
- ,Fish Feast
- ,Tender Shoveltusk Steak
- Firecracker Salmon
- Alternatives:
- ,Great Feast
- ,Dalaran Clam Chowder
- ,Shoveltusk Steak
- ,Smoked Salmon
- ,Snapper Extreme
- Worg Tartare
- Best:
- Pre-pot ,Potion of Wild Magic
- In Combat Potion of Speed
- Best:
- Spiced Mammoth Treats
- orDark RuneDemonic Rune
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Affliction Warlock Best Races
- Human: The Human Spirit
- Gnome: Expansive Mind
- Orc: Blood Fury
- Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent
Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Affliction Warlock Best Professions
- Engineering: Best profession thanks to ,Nitro Boosts,Hyperspeed Acceleratorsenchants,Springy Arachnoweave, andGlobal Thermal Sapper Chargefor early gearing.Visage Liquification Goggles
- Tailoring: Second best profession thanks to .Lightweave Embroidery
- Jewelcrafting: Third best profession thanks to the 3 unique gems such as andRuned Dragon's Eye.Rigid Dragon's Eye
- Blacksmithing: Fourth best profession during phases 3+ thanks to andSocket Bracer.Socket Gloves
- Leatherworking, Enchanting, Inscription, and Alchemy: All provide comparable stat bonuses with ,Fur Lining - Spell Power,Ring - Greater Spell Power, andMaster's Inscription of the Stormrespectively.Mixology
- Skinning: .Master of Anatomy