ulduar (25) Boss Guides - Wrath Classic (WOTLK)

Flame LeviathanFlame Leviathan
  • Talk to Brann Bronzebeard to start the encounter.
  • After killing the mobs guarding the gate, Flame Leviathan will spawn.
  • If you are targeted by
    , run away from the boss and use your movement ability on your vehicle. Switches target every 30 seconds.
  • Salvaged Choppers DPS with
    Sonic Horn
  • Salvaged Demolishers use
    Hurl Boulder
    Hurl Pyrite Barrel
    (Stacks to 10) from range. The passenger can use
    to DPS.
  • Salvaged Demolishers passengers can shoot down Pyrite which is used for
    Hurl Pyrite Barrel
    from the sky, and collect it with
    Grab Crate
  • Salvaged Siege Engines use
    and interrupt
    Flame Vents
    . The passenger can use
    Fire Cannon
    to DPS.
  • Salvaged Demolishers stacking Pyrite should be more than enough for completing normal mode. You don't need to worry about causing a
    System Shutdown
Flame Leviathan (HM)
  • Talk to Lore Keeper of Norgannon to start the encounter.
  • Everything mentioned in the normal mode strategy will remain true in Hard Mode.
  • Flame Leviathan will have 40% more health for each tower not destroyed.
  • Tower of Storms increases Flame Leviathan's Physical Damage by 25%, and spawns pillars of light, dealing damage to any vehicle inside it throughout the fight.
  • Tower of Flames increases Flame Leviathan's Fire Damage by 50%, and will spawn fiery orbs that fall from the sky and leave behind a flame trail throughout the fight.
  • Tower of Frost will spawn a beam that follows players throughout the fight and once it stops, it will freeze all nearby vehicles and deal damage over time. Freeze can be broken with a Fire spell.
  • Tower of Life decreases Fire Damage dealt to Flame Leviathan by 10%, and will spawn a large add, and a group of small adds throughout the fight.
  • Salvaged Demolishers maintaining 10 stacks of the DoT with Hurl Pyrite Barrel will be crucial to success because of Flame Leviathan's massive health pool.
  • In order to cause a
    System Shutdown
    , Salvaged Demolishers will use
    Load into Catapult
    , and the Salvaged Demolishers driver will use
    Throw Passenger
    . The player will need to destroy all Leviathan Defense Turrets to cause a
    System Shutdown
  • Once this happens, the player can parachute to the ground, and a Salvaged Chopper should pick them up, use
    First Aid Kit
    , and take them back to their Salvaged Demolishers.
  • Salvaged Choppers use
    at the corners of the room to deal with the adds.
  • Keep in mind, when
    Throw Passenger
    is used, that Salvaged Demolishers no longer has someone to collect Pyrite for them. This can be remedied by having 3 people assigned to one Salvaged Demolishers. One player can use
    Load into Catapult
    before the fight starts.
  • Self-sufficent Ranged DPS such as Warlocks, Shadow Priests, or Balance Druids are great candidates to kill the Leviathan Defense Turrets.
Ignis the Furnace Master
  • Stop casting when Ignis casts
    Flame Jets
  • Healers keep the player targeted by
    Slag Pot
  • Main Tank face Ignis away from the raid because of
    , and move to a new quadrant afterwards to avoid the scorched ground.
  • The Off Tank(s) should kite the Iron Constructs into the scorched ground caused by
    , and they should be rooted by a player inside the fire.
  • Once the Iron Constructs becomes Molten, break the root and kite it into the Water to make them
  • Use a hard hitting ability to shatter Iron Construct once it is
  • Ignis will deal 20% additonal damage for every Iron Construct alive.
  • Balance Druids and Mages are great at dealing with the Iron Constructs with
    Entangling Roots
    Frost Nova
Phase 1
  • Kill adds until all four harpoons are ready so you can ground Razorscale.
  • Kill priority is Dark Rune Watchers, Dark Rune Guardians, then Dark Rune Sentinels.
  • Interrupt
    Chain Lightning
    from Dark Rune Watchers.
  • Tank Dark Rune Sentinels away from the raid because of their
  • Avoid blue flame patches on the ground caused by
    Devouring Flame
  • Click on all four harpoons once they are ready to ground Razorscale.
  • Focus all damage on Razorscale when she is grounded. Make sure to not stand in front of her.
  • Before Razorscale flies back into the air, or the transition into the permanent ground phase at 50% health, she will cast a
    Flame Breath
    Wing Buffet
Phase 2
  • At 50% health, Razorscale will become grounded permanently.
  • She will still cast
    Devouring Flame
    , and the Tank must face her away from the raid because of
    Flame Breath
  • Tanks must
    Razorscale off of each other to deal with
    Fuse Armor
  • She will apply a stacking debuff for the rest of the fight called
    Flame Buffet
  • Healers watch your aggro during the Air Phase. Try to position yourself in the middle of everyone so the Tanks can more easily pick up the adds.
XT-002 Deconstructor
Phase 1
  • Move away from other players when targeted by
    Searing Light
    Gravity Bomb
  • Healers watch out for raid wide damage caused by
    Tympanic Tantrum
    . This will happen once every minute, but the timer resets at 75%, 50%, and 25% health when the Heart of the Deconstructor is exposed. So if you hit these thresholds in less than a minute, you will avoid the cast.
Phase 2
  • Happens at 75%, 50%, and 25% health and this phase will last for 20 seconds.
  • Three different type of adds will spawn during this phase in each corner of the room.
  • Scrapbots need to be killed immediately before reaching XT-002 or else they will heal him. They can be CCed.
  • Boombots explode when they reach 50% health, and will deal damage to everything. They can be used to help kill Scrapbots or deal damage to the Heart of the Deconstructor.
  • Tanks pick up the Pummellers, DPS ignore them.
  • Heart of the Deconstructor takes double damage, so you want as many as your DPSers on it as possible.
  • Killing the Heart of the Deconstructor will activate Hard Mode. So watch your DPS if you don't plan on doing Hard Mode.
  • Raid cooldowns such as
    Divine Guardian
    will help deal with
    Tympanic Tantrum
  • Rogues can use
    to help mitigate damage from
    Tympanic Tantrum
XT-002 Deconstructor (HM)
  • Hard Mode is activated when you kill the Heart of the Deconstructor. XT-002 will be healed to 100% health, have an additonal 50% health, deal 15% increased damage, and gain new abilities.
  • Move out if targeted by
    Void Zone
    to drop it away from the raid.
  • Kill the Life Sparks summoned by XT-002.
  • XT-002 will still cast
    Searing Light
    Gravity Bomb
    , and
    Tympanic Tantrum
  • This is a very healing intensitve fight because of
    Tympanic Tantrum
    , and all players need to be ready to move out of the raid with their debuffs.
  • Raid cooldowns such as
    Divine Guardian
    will help deal with
    Tympanic Tantrum
  • Rogues can use
    to help mitigate damage from
    Tympanic Tantrum
Assembly of Iron
All Alive
  • Kill order will be Steelbreaker, Molgeim, then Brundir.
  • When one boss dies, the remaining bosses will be healed to 100% health, gain additional abilities, and gain
    . When the second boss dies, the last boss will enter a unique phase with different abilities than before and gain an additional stack of
  • Off Tank Brundir away from the raid because of
  • Have the 2nd Off Tank handle Molgeim closer to Steelbreaker to increase the chance
    Rune of Power
    is casted near him.
  • Dispel
    Fusion Punch
    from Steelbreaker's Tank immediately.
  • Anyone close to Steelbreaker will take damage from
    High Voltage
    . This is healable.
  • Move Steelbreaker out of
    Rune of Power
    if casted on him. All DPS move into it.
2 Alive
  • Once Steelbreaker dies, Molgeim and Brundir will gain new abilities.
  • Keep Brundir away from the raid, focus DPS onto Molgeim.
  • Dispel
    Shield of Runes
    from Molgeim.
  • Move out of
    Rune of Death
  • Heal raid wide damage caused by Brundir's
    Lightning Whirl
1 Alive
  • After Molgeim dies, Brundir will gain the ability
    Lightning Tendrils
  • Run away from the target Brundir locks on to during
    Lightning Tendrils
    . He will switch targets a few times each time in the air.
  • Run away from him when he casts
  • Interrupt
    Chain Lightning
    Lightning Whirl
  • If
    Rune of Power
    is casted on the boss you are DPSing, try to position the boss so both Melee DPS and Ranged DPS can benefit from the buff.
Assembly of Iron (HM)
All Alive
  • Kill order will be Molgeim, Brundir, then Steelbreaker.
  • Same as normal mode strategy in this phase.
2 Alive
  • Once Molgeim dies, Brundir and Steelbreaker will gain new abilities.
  • Brundir will gain
    Lightning Whirl
    and Steelbreaker will gain
    Static Disruption
  • Positioning for this phase will be important for dealing with
    Static Disruption
    as it will only target players not in melee range of Steelbreaker.
  • Ranged should position themselves at max melee range in front of Steelbreaker, and Brundir will be tanked right behind Steelbreaker which will put the Ranged group out of range from
  • Melee DPS won't be in danger from
    Static Disruption
    , because Brundir is being tanked right behind Steelbreaker, so they will be in melee range.
  • Atleast one player without the
    Static Disruption
    debuff must always be outside of the group to soak it because
    Static Disruption
    will not target a player who already has it.
  • There will be raid wide damage caused by
    High Voltage
    , that will be amplified by players afflicted with
    Static Disruption
  • Melee run away from Brundir when he casts
  • Interrupt
    Chain Lightning
    Lightning Whirl
  • Continue to dispel
    Fusion Punch
    from Steelbreaker's Tank immediately.
1 Alive
  • After Brundir dies, Steelbreaker will gain the ability
    Overwhelming Power
  • Overwhelming Power
    will be casted on the Main Tank, and will cause them to
    after 35 seconds.
  • The Off Tank(s) must
    Steelbreaker so the Tank afflicted with
    can run away and not explode on the raid.
  • Steelbreaker will heal for 20% of his health (10% if a healing debuff is applied), every time a player dies, including the Tanks who die from
  • Glyph of RebirthGlyph of Rebirth
    is very powerful on this fight in the last phase to revive the Tanks who died from
  • The last phase of this fight is a big DPS check.
  • DPS focus the Right Arm throughout the fight, it will respawn after 60 seconds once it is destroyed. Killing it will damage Kologarn.
  • Switch to the Kologarn when the Right Arm is destroyed until it respawns.
  • After any Arm is destroyed, Rubble adds will spawn on the left side of the room.
  • These must be picked up immediately by an Off Tank and kept away from the raid because they cast
    Stone Nova
    . Ranged DPS AoE them quickly.
  • The Right Arm will cast
    Stone Grip
    and the Left Arm will cast
  • Tanks will need to
    off each other because of
    Overhead Smash
    . Do it at 2 stacks.
  • Healers keep players targeted by
    Stone Grip
    alive, and watch Tanks inflicted by
    Overhead Smash
  • Run away if targeted by
    Focused Eyebeam
  • Make sure there is always someone in melee range of Kologarn or else he will wipe the raid.
  • Nature Resistance Totem
    can help with damage caused by
  • The pull is a bit tricky. The goal is to avoid non Tanks getting hit by
    Savage Pounce
    from Santum Sentries.
  • Have the entire raid out of LoS from Auriaya, and pull with a Hunter
    or Death Knight
    Death and Decay
  • Once Auriaya reaches the raid, kill the Santum Sentries first.
  • Make sure the entire raid is standing in front of Auriaya to split damage from
    Sonic Screech
  • Interrupt
    Sentinel Blast
  • After Auriaya casts
    Terrifying Screech
    , make sure to group back up.
  • DPS focus the Feral Defender after Auriaya summons it.
  • Casters stop casting while the Feral Defender is casting
    Feral Rush
  • After a Feral Defender, it will leave behind a
    Seeping Feral Essence
    (Void Zone). It will revive itself in about 30 seconds.
  • Try to move away from the
    Seeping Feral Essence
    to avoid running through it when
    Terrifying Screech
    is casted.
  • You can also try to LoS the dead Feral Defender so it can't
    Feral Pounce
    when it revives.
  • AoE the Swarming Guardians when they spawn, they have very little health.
  • Shamans use
    Tremor Totem
    to help with
    Terrifying Screech
  • Priests can
    Fear Ward
    important players before the pull.
  • Priests and Paladins can use
    Prayer of Shadow Protection
    Shadow Resistance Aura
    to help resist
    Terrifying Screech
    as well as some of the Shadow Damage caused throughout the encounter.
Phase 1
  • Avoid
    Proximity Mines
  • Big heals and cooldowns on the Tank when Leviathan Mk II casts
    Plasma Blast
  • All Melee run out when Leviathan Mk II casts
    Shock Blast
    . Find an opening between the
    Proximity Mines
    ahead of time so you can run straight backwards.
  • Ranged DPS and Healers stay spread out to help deal with damage from
    Napalm Shell
Phase 2
  • VX-001 is the suggested phase to use
    as it is very healing intensive.
  • Heat Wave
    will cause raid wide damage.
  • Rapid Burst
    will deal damage to anyone in the line of fire. Melee can avoid this by staying behind the boss when he turns.
  • Watch out for
    Rocket Strike
    . This will kill anyone hit by hit.
  • Avoid
    P3Wx2 Laser Barrage
    . It is possible to avoid this mechanic if you get out of this phase fast enough.
Phase 3
  • A Ranged DPS will tank the Aerial Command Unit as it will be floating out of range of Melee.
  • Healers watch out for damage caused by
    Plasma Ball
    on the Ranged DPS tank.
  • Focus DPS on the Assault Bots when they spawn.
  • Loot the Magnetic Core from the Assault Bots when they are killed.
  • Use the Magnetic Core underneath the Aerial Command Unit to bring it to the ground.
  • Focus all DPS on the Aerial Command Unit as it will take 50% increased damage during this time.
  • Ranged DPS kill the Bomb Bots before they reach their target.
  • Melee can kill the Junk Bots when nothing else is up.
Phase 4
  • All previous bosses will combine into 1, have their own health pools, and will need to be killed within 10 seconds of each other.
  • Leviathan Mk II will only use
    Proximity Mines
    Shock Blast
  • VX-001 will only use
    Rocket Strike
    P3Wx2 Laser Barrage
    , and a new ability
    Hand Pulse
    which behaves similarly to
    Rapid Burst
    from Phase 2.
  • Aerial Command Unit will only use
    Plasma Ball
  • Shamans and Paladins can use
    Fire Resistance Totem
    Fire Resistance Aura
    to help during Phase 1 and Phase 2.
Mimiron (HM)
  • Every phase will have the same abilities as normal mode, plus an additonal ability in each phase.
  • Start the fight by clicking the Red Button in the back of the room.
  • Mimiron will gain 25% health and damage.
  • Flames
    will spawn throughout the encounter on random players, and also follow the player who they are closest to.
  • During the transition phase for every phase, make sure the entire raid groups up wherever there is the most
    , as close to the
    as possible in order to contain them in one area.
Phase 1
  • Tank Leviathan Mk II on the outer edge of the room and move him whenever he casts
    Shock Blast
    . This will help to avoid the
    Proximity Mines
  • The additonal ability he will cast this phase is called
    Flame Suppressant
    . He will cast this about halfway through the phase.
Phase 2
  • VX-001 will spawn a
    Frost Bomb
    at the beginning of the phase, and about every minute after that.
  • The first
    Frost Bomb
    should extinguish most of the area where you were dropping the
    from the transition period.
  • Watch out for any additonal
    Frost Bomb
    during the phase and make sure you run away before it explodes.
Phase 3
  • Along with the other Bots from normal mode, Emergency Fire Bots will also spawn.
  • Emergency Fire Bots have a
    Deafening Siren
    aura, and
    Water Spray
  • Kill Emergency Fire Bots as quickly as possible.
  • Save the Magnetic Core from the Assault Bots so you can use two of them back to back. This will be a good time to use
  • Kill all remaining adds during the transition phase.
Phase 4
  • Frost Bomb
    is the additonal ability this phase, just like phase 2.
  • There will be tons of stuff to avoid this phase just like normal mode, but with the addition of
    Frost Bomb
    . Planning ahead of where you need to move will be crucial for surviving during this phase.
  • Shamans and Paladins can use
    Fire Resistance Totem
    Fire Resistance Aura
    throughout the fight.
  • Death Knights can stand off to the side in Phase 3 and
    Death Grip
    Bomb Bots away from Ranged.
Phase 1
  • Freya is invulnerable in this phase. You will need to remove all of her stacks of
    Attuned to Nature
    to enter Phase 2.
  • Throughout the entire fight, a tree called Eonar's Gift will spawn randomly around Freya. This must be killed immediately or else it will heal Freya and any summoned adds.
  • Every minute Freya will spawn a different wave of adds in a random order. There are 3 different type of waves. Killing these adds will remove her stacks.
  • The first wave type contains Detonating Lashers. These adds are untankable and will randomly run from player to player.
  • Stacking up will help control these adds, and make it easier to AoE them down, but make sure not to kill them all at once because they explode on death. When they get low, single target them down.
  • The second type of wave contains an Ancient Conservator. Make sure to stand near the Mushrooms to avoid being silenced by
    Conservator's Grip
  • Move away from players targeted by
    Nature's Fury
  • The last wave type has three different adds called Storm Lasher, Ancient Water Spirit, and Snaplasher.
  • Storm Lasher will cast
    Lightning Lash
    . These can be interrupted.
  • Ancient Water Spirit will cast
    Tidal Wave
  • Snaplasher gains a stacking buff every time it is attacked increasing its damage. This buff will fall off after not receiving an attack for 4 seconds.
  • Ranged DPS prioritize the Storm Lasher and Ancient Water Spirit.
  • Melee DPS prioritize the Snaplasher, and listen for the call to stop attacking so the stacks can fall off.
Phase 2
  • Avoid
    Nature Bomb
  • Kill Eonar's Gift immediately.
  • DoTs on the Snaplasher will not increase the stacks of of the damage buff it gains when taking damage.
Freya (HM)
  • Starting the encounter without killing any of the Elders will enable Hard Mode.
  • Freya will cast the same abilities as normal mode.
  • Each Elder will provide Freya with a new ability and some passive damage increase throught the entire fight.
  • Elder Brightleaf will give Freya
    Unstable Energy
    Brightleaf's Essence
  • Move out of
    Unstable Energy
    . (They are big yellow beams of light).
  • Elder Ironbranch will give Freya
    Iron Roots
    Ironbranch's Essence
  • Iron Roots
    can be killed to release the target, or any abilities that remove movement impairing effects.
  • Elder Stonebark will give Freya
    Ground Tremor
    Stonebark's Essence
  • Casters stop casting to avoid being interrupted by
    Ground Tremor
  • Paladins can use
    Hand of Freedom
    to help with Iron Roots.
Phase 1
  • Split the raid into two groups, one for the arena and one for the hallway.
  • The arena group will need to deal with Dark Rune Warbringers, Dark Rune Evokers, Dark Rune Champions, and Dark Rune Commoners.
  • Prioritize killing the adds in the order above.
  • Kill Dark Rune Warbringers first because of
    Aura of Celerity
  • Interrupt Dark Rune Evokers
    Runic Lightning
    Runic Mending
  • Stay spread out to mitigate damage from
  • Be careful not to stand to close to the Pylons near the edge of the room when they become charged.
  • The hallway group will need to make there way up to Thorim to start Phase 2.
  • Kill and interrupt the Dark Rune Acolytes first, followed by the Iron Ring Guard.
  • Heal the Tank to full to remove the
    from the Iron Ring Guard.
  • Keep an eye on the Runic Colossus in the distance to see which side of the room it will damage.
  • Make sure to position the Iron Ring Guard to the safe side as quickly as possible because the stun.
  • Once you make it to the Runic Colossus, face it away from the raid to avoid
  • Runic Colossus might
    a player so be quick to get behind him incase it uses a
    right after.
  • After the Runic Colossus is killed, you will face a Dark Rune Acolyte and Iron Honor Guards.
  • Kill and interrupt the Dark Rune Acolytes first, followed by the Iron Honor Guards. Make sure to face them away from the raid.
  • At the top of the stairs will be the Ancient Rune Giant.
  • Ranged don't stand in melee range to avoid
  • Move away from players targeted by
    Rune Detonation
  • While running towards Thorim avoid the big circles on the ground.
  • If you don't want to activate Hard Mode, wait until Sif is no longer there before attacking Thorim.
Phase 2
  • Adds will stop spawning. Kill any remaining adds from Phase 1.
  • Stay spread out to mitigate damage from
    Chain Lightning
  • Thorim will charge one of the Pylons like he did in Phase 1, and electricity will flow to him from the Pylon.
  • He will cast
    Lightning Charge
    towards the Pylon that is charged, so avoid standing between them.
  • Lightning Charge
    is also a stacking buff that will act as an Enrage mechanic for this phase.
  • Tanks must
    off each other when Thorim casts
    Unbalancing Strike
  • Priests can use
    Mind Control
    on the Dark Rune Warbringers to give the raid
    Aura of Celerity
Thorim (HM)
Phase 1
  • Same as normal mode Phase 1, but you must reach Thorim under 3 minutes so Sif joins the fight.
Phase 2
  • Same as normal mode Phase 2, but Sif will join the fight.
  • Sif is untargetable but will cast a handful of abilities.
  • Avoid the
    that moves around the room as best as you can.
  • Cleanse players who were hit by
    Frost Nova
  • Healers watch out for additonal AoE damage caused by
    Frostbolt Volley
  • Priests can use
    Mind Control
    on the Dark Rune Warbringers to give the raid
    Aura of Celerity
  • Frost Resistance will help during Phase 2. Paladins can use
    Frost Resistance Aura
    and Shamans can use
    Frost Resistance Totem
  • Free the NPCs from the iceblocks at the beginning of the fight. Free the Mages first as they will help free the other NPCs with
    Melt Ice
  • Avoid high stacks of
    Biting Cold
    by moving.
  • Dispel players inflicted with
  • Healers watch out for raid wide damage from
    Frozen Blows
  • Avoid the falling Icicles that fall from the sky. Try to stand as close to the edge of these as you can.
  • When Hodir casts
    Flash Freeze
    , the area where the Icicles fell will turn into a Snowdrift. Stand on these to avoid
    Flash Freeze
  • Free any players who were hit by
    Flash Freeze
    , and also free the Mage NPCs from it as well. They will help free the other NPCs hit by it.
  • All DPS should do there best to stand in the
    from Druid NPCs.
  • The Mage NPCs also cast
    Toasty Fire
    . This will remove the
    Biting Cold
    debuff as well. Caster DPS should stand near the fires.
  • The Shaman NPCs cast
    Storm Power
    on random players. Try to align your cooldowns with this buff.
  • Priests can use
    Mass Dispel
    on players hit by
  • A Frost Resist Tank will be needed to deal with
    Frozen Blows
Hodir (HM)
  • Same as normal mode but you will need to beat the encounter in under 2 minutes.
  • Utilizing the buffs from the NPCs will become much more important to meet the DPS check.
  • Priests can use
    Mass Dispel
    on players hit by
  • A Frost Resist Tank will be needed to deal with
    Frozen Blows
General Vezax
  • Vezax will have
    Aura of Despair
    throught the encounter.
  • Interrupt
    Searing Flames
  • Avoid
    Shadow Crash
  • Caster DPS go into the energy field left behind from
    Shadow Crash
  • Ranged stay spread out to mitigate damage from
    Mark of the Faceless
    . This will also heal Vezax.
  • When Vezax casts
    Surge of Darkness
    , you can start to kite him to avoid the damage, or use raid cooldowns and heal through it.
  • Kill the
    Saronite Vapors
    and stand in the green puddle to regain mana if you need it. Be careful not to stand in it too long as it drains your life.
  • Priests and Paladins can use
    Prayer of Shadow Protection
    Shadow Resistance Aura
    to help with the Shadow Damage throughout the encounter.
  • Discipline Priests'
    Power Word: Shield
    power won't get reduced inside the energy field left by
    Shadow Crash
    since it's a shield.
General Vezax (HM)
  • Hard Mode is activated by keeping 6
    Saronite Vapors
    alive. You may need to stop DPS on Vezax to wait for all 6 to spawn.
  • The 6
    Saronite Vapors
    will merge into a Saronite Animus.
  • Vezax will gain
    Saronite Barrier
    , so all DPS will need to burn down the Saronite Animus.
  • Saronite Animus will be constantly casting
    Profound Darkness
    , so the longer this phase lasts, the harder it will become on the healers.
  • Aim to use raid cooldowns on the back half of this phase, as well as
  • After defeating the Saronite Animus, Vezax will lose
    Saronite Barrier
  • Shadow Crash
    will be lethal at this point in the fight because you will still have stacks of
    Profound Darkness
  • Healers must be extremely careful with there mana in the first phase of this fight because they will not be able to gain any mana from the
    Saronite Vapors
  • Priests and Paladins can use
    Prayer of Shadow Protection
    Shadow Resistance Aura
    to help with the Shadow Damage throughout the encounter.
  • Discipline Priests'
    Power Word: Shield
    power won't get reduced inside the energy field left by
    Shadow Crash
    since it's a shield.
Phase 1
  • Avoid
    Ominous Cloud
  • Kill Guardians of Yogg-Saron near Sara to damage her with
    Shadow Nova
  • Interrupt
    Dark Volley
    from Guardians of Yogg-Saron.
  • Phase 2 will begin when Sara gets hit by 8
    Shadow Nova
Phase 2
  • Avoid losing all of your Sanity.
  • Ranged DPS focus Crusher Tentacles.
  • Melee DPS focus Corruptor Tentacles.
  • One Tank can be assigned to Crusher Tentacles to help with
    Diminish Power
    but be careful because of
    Focused Anger
  • Dispel all of the debuffs the Corruptor Tentacles apply to the raid.
  • Kill the Constrictor Tentacles when they grab someone.
  • If you get targeted by
    Brain Link
    , get close to the other player you are linked with. A yellow beam means you are safe.
  • Avoid
    Death Ray
  • Once the 10 Portals spawn, enter them if you were assigned and you have high Sanity. Each portal can only be used by one player. Melee DPS and 1 Healer are usually assigned to portals.
  • Once inside, you will need to gain access to the room where the Brain of Yogg-Saron is.
  • You will spawn in a circuluar room where you need to kill all of the Influence Tentacles. They will be disguised as neutral mobs.
  • Look away from the Laughing Skull to avoid
    Lunatic Gaze
  • Once all Influence Tentacles are killed, the room where Brain of Yogg-Saron will be opened.
  • DPS the Brain of Yogg-Saron, but make sure to take one of the Portals to exit before the
    Induce Madness
    cast finishes.
  • Phase 3 will begin once the Brain of Yogg-Saron reaches 30% health. Make sure there are no Crusher Tentacles alive.
Phase 3
  • Turn away from Yogg-Saron if targeted by
    Lunatic Gaze
  • Bring Immortal Guardians down to 1% health as quickly as possible.
  • Watch out for Immortal Guardians with the
  • Thorim will finish them off with
    Titanic Storm
  • If an Immortal Guardian is targeted by
    Shadow Beacon
    , move it away from other Immortal Guardians and Yog-Saron before it goes off.
  • The Immortal Guardian will gain the
    Empowering Shadows
    buff and heal itself and everyone around it.
  • Freya, Hodir, Mimiron, and Thorim will help you throughout the encounter if you didn't deactivate any of them.
  • All of them will provide you with varying passive damage, healing, and damage reduction as well as an active ability.
  • Freya will use
    Sanity Well
    . This will be a green beam.
  • Hodir can save a player from fatal damage with
    Hodir's Protective Gaze
  • Mimiron will use
    Destabilization Matrix
    on mobs.
  • Thorim will finish off Immortal Guardians with
    Titanic Storm
  • Priests and Paladins can use
    Prayer of Shadow Protection
    Shadow Resistance Aura
    to help with the Shadow Damage throughout the encounter.
Yogg-Saron (HM)
  • 0 Keeper Yogg-Saron will gain a new ability in Phase 3 called
    Deafening Roar
    , and you will also lose all of the help gained from the Keepers from the regular encounter.
  • This will be noticable in all of the passive damage, healing, and damage reduction you lose, but it will also make it impossible to kill Immortal Guardians since you don't have
    Titanic Storm
    from Thorim.
  • Phase 1 and Phase 2 will just be harder because of all of the lost utility from losing the Keepers, but Phase 3 will change because of the above.
  • Keep Immortal Guardians low on health to help deal with
  • Make sure not to assign too many players to AoE them because you still need to kill Yogg-Saron.
  • If an Immortal Guardian is targeted by
    Shadow Beacon
    , move it away from other Immortal Guardians and Yog-Saron before it goes off.
  • The Immortal Guardian will gain the
    Empowering Shadows
    buff and heal itself and everyone around it.
  • Once it heals back to full, bring it back with all of the other Immortal Guardians.
  • Off Tanks should alternate picking up Immortal Guardians as they spawn.
  • There will be a ton of Immortal Guardians spawning throughout the fight. It is imperative to make sure DPS aren't over AoEing and doing useless damage to them when they are at 1% health.
  • Healers try to top off Tanks before
    Deafening Roar
  • If you do 1 Keeper Yogg-Saron, it will be the same as normal mode strategically, with
    Deafening Roar
    . Keep Thorim active so he can kill Immortal Guardians with
    Titanic Storm
  • Priests and Paladins can use
    Prayer of Shadow Protection
    Shadow Resistance Aura
    to help with the Shadow Damage throughout the encounter.
  • Paladins can use
    Aura Mastery
    Concentration Aura
    to help with
    Deafening Roar
Algalon the Observer
Phase 1
  • Healers watch out for spike damage on the Main Tank from
    Quantum Strike
  • Off Tanks must be ready to
    Algalon when the Main Tank is at 4 stacks of
    Phase Punch
    . He will cast this every 15 seconds.
  • Sets of four Collapsing Stars will spawn randomly throught the encounter. They will lose 1% health per second.
  • Coordinate killing the Collapsing Stars one at a time as they explode on death, dealing damage to the entire raid. One or two DPS should be assigned to this.
  • When a Collapsing Star is killed, it will spawn a Black Hole.
  • Every 90 seconds Algalon will cast
    Big Bang
    . The entire raid except 1 player will need to walk over a Black Hole to avoid it.
  • Avoid the Dark Matter adds in this realm.
  • One player must be left behind and survive or else Algalon will wipe the raid with
    Ascend to the Heavens
  • A Shadow Priest with
    is a good candidate to be left behind.
  • Everyone will be taken back to the normal realm after
    Big Bang
  • Throughout the fight, 3
    Cosmic Smash
    zones will appear on the ground that look like red void zones, move at least 10 yards away from them.
  • Kite Living Constellations through Black Holes to kill it. It will also cause the Black Hole to disappear.
Phase 2
  • Starts at 20% health.
  • Any Collapsing Stars and Living Constellations will disappear and stop spawning.
  • Quantum Strike
    Phase Punch
    Cosmic Smash
    , and
    Big Bang
    will continue to be casted.
  • All Black Holes will disappear, but four new Black Holes will spawn in set positions around the center of the room.
  • Unleashed Dark Matter will spawn at the start of the phase and every 30 seconds after from the Black Holes.
  • An Off Tank should pick these up and tank them off to the side.
  • DPS focus Alagon and ignore the adds.
  • Immune effects such as
    Ice Block
    from Mages and
    Divine Shield
    from Paladins will not work on
    Big Bang
  • Death Knights can use
    Death Grip
    and classes with knockbacks such as Balance Druids'
    can displace Living Constellations into Black Holes.