naxxramas (10) Boss Guides - Wrath Classic (WOTLK)
- Spread out to avoid multiple players being hit by .Impale
- Focus DPS on Crypt Guards. One will spawn shortly after the boss is pulled, and one will spawn every time is casted.Locust Swarm
- The main tank should kite Anub'Rekhan on the outer edge of the room when he casts .Locust Swarm
- The rest of the raid should stay away from Anub'Rekhan during to avoid getting silenced.Locust Swarm
- Kill Corpse Scarabs that spawn after Crypt Guards die, or when a player dies.
- Hunters can use duringAspect of the Packto help the tank kite.Locust Swarm
- Crypt Guards can be stunned.
- Hunters and Mages can use andFrost Trapto help control Corpse Scarabs.Frost Nova
Grand Widow Faerlina
- Move out of .Rain of Fire
- Cleanse poison from .Poison Bolt Volley
- Worshippers are immune to in 10 man.Mind Control
- Off tank will pick up all 4 Worshippers.
- Shortly before Faerlina gets the buff, the main tank should bring her over to the off tank and DPS should kill one of the Worshippers to remove theFrenzybuff.Frenzy
- Main tank should move Faerlina back to her original position afterwards.
- If you are the off tank, make sure you don't kill any of the Worshippers.
- If you sacrifice a Worshipper before Faerlina gets , it will delay it for 30 seconds, if you do it after she gets it, you will delay it for 60 seconds.Frenzy
- Shamans can use to help withCleansing Totem.Poison Bolt Volley
- Help the player afflicted by , which is casted 20 seconds into the fight, then every 40 seconds afterwards.Web Wrap
- Healers make sure to top off the tank and apply HoTs before which is casted every 40 seconds.Web Spray
- Tank Maexxna away from the raid because of .Poison Shock
- Cleanse as quickly as possible.Necrotic Poison
- AoE down the Spiderlings.
- At 30% HP, Maexxna gains .Frenzy
- Shamans can use to help withCleansing Totem. This can be especially useful duringNecrotic Poison.Web Spray
Noth the Plaguebringer
Phase 1
- Decurse the 3 players with or else you will wipe because the raid will be afflicted withCurse of the Plaguebringer.Wrath of the Plaguebringer
- If you happen to miss a decurse, is healable unlike the 25 man version.Wrath of the Plaguebringer
- Kill the two Plagued Warriors when the spawn.
Phase 2
- Lasts for 70 seconds.
- Kill the wave of skeletons. If you are in the second or third skeleton phase, prioritize the Plagued Guardian.
- If you don't have a decurser, make sure the players with the debuff are at least 30 yards away from the rest of the raid.Curse of the Plaguebringer
Heigan the Unclean
Phase 1
- Lasts for 90 seconds.
- Ranged DPS and Healers stand on the platform to avoid being hit by .Spell Disruption
- Cleanse .Decrepit Fever
- Tank and Melee move through the safe zones to avoid . Zone 1 is furthest left if you are facing the platform.Eruption
- The order of safety zones will be 1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2.
Phase 2
- Lasts for 45 seconds.
- Heigan teleports to the platform. Ranged DPS and Healers must leave the platform to avoid and go straight to zone 1.Plague Cloud
- Everyone must now move through the safe zones to avoid .Eruption
- The order of safety zones will be 1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-3-2.
- Heigan has no Enrage timer. Your number one priority should be to avoid his spell.Eruption
- You can use Smoke Flares to help mark each safe zone.
- Every 20 seconds, Loatheb will cast .Necrotic Aura
- Healers will only have a 3 second window to heal, so they can start pre-casting a heal before the debuff wears off to maximize healing during the window.
- Every 30 seconds, Loatheb will cast .Deathbloom
- Every 30 seconds, Loatheb will summon a Spore. Once the assigned group is within 10 yards, kill it to gain .Fungal Creep
- After 2 minutes, Loatheb will start casting every 30 seconds.Inevitable Doom
- Priests can use and Paladins can usePower Word: ShieldduringSacred Shield.Necrotic Aura
- Druids can time their to pop onceLifebloomexpires.Necrotic Aura
- Paladins, Rogues, and Mages can use ,Divine Shield, andCloak of Shadowsto removeIce Block.Inevitable Doom
Instructor Razuvious
- Both tanks use the Orb of Domination to mind control the two Death Knight Understudies.
- The first tank should use , followed byBone Barrier, then useTaunton cooldown.Blood Strike
- Right before runs out, the other tank should use theirBone BarrierandBone BarrierRazuvious.Taunt
- After using twice, cancel the mind control, and re-use the Orb of Domination.Taunt
- There will be some raid wide damage caused by andJagged Knife.Disrupting Shout
- Make sure to heal the Death Knight Understudies.
- will be 6 on your bar,Bone Barrierwill be 5, andTauntwill be 4.Blood Strike
Gothik the Harvester
Phase 1
- Gothik is invulnerable during this phase.
- Split your raid into two groups, with more DPS on the undead side.
- Waves of mobs will spawn on the living side, and once killed, a corresponding mob will spawn on the undead side.
- Unrelenting Trainees are non elites that use . Healers should dispel this. 24 of these will spawn in total.Death Plague
- When Unrelenting Trainees die, Spectral Trainees will spawn on the undead side. They will cast Arcane Explosion.
- Unrelenting Deathknights are elites that use and willShadow Mark. 7 of these will spawn in total.Intercept
- When Unrelenting Deathknights die, Spectral Deathknights will spawn on the undead side. They have a Whirlwind ability.
- Unrelenting Riders are elites that have and will castUnholy Auraon targets afflicted byShadowbolt Volley. 4 of these will spawn in total.Shadow Mark
- When Unrelenting Riders die, Spectral Riders and Spectral Horses will spawn on the undead side. Spectral Riders have andUnholy Aura, and Spectral Horses haveDrain Life.Stomp
- This phase is all about controling the amount of mobs you kill on the living side, and making sure the undead side doesn't get overwhelmed. The undead mobs are stronger than the living mobs, so communication between both sides will be important.
Phase 2
- Gothik will come down after about 4:30 minutes has passed.
- He will cast every 15 seconds on the entire raid, as well asHarvest Soulon his current target.Shadowbolt
- Kill all remaining mobs, then switch to Gothik.
- Gothik will switch back and forth between the living and the undead side until 30% HP, then the gate will open and the entire raid can DPS him down together.
Four Horsemen
- The Four Horsemen will run to different corners of the room when engaged.
- Each Horsemen will cast a Mark on every player within 45 yards which will infinitely stack through the encounter increasing damage every application. Starts at 0, then increases to 500, 1,500, 4,000, 12,500, 20,000, then increases by 1,000 from here.
- The Marks last for 25 seconds and there must always be someone in range to get hit by the Mark.
- Each Horsemen will first cast their Mark 24 seconds after the pull. Korth'azz and Rivendare will apply it every 12 seconds afterwards, and Zeliek and Blaumeux will apply theirs every 15 seconds afterwards.
- Split your raid into three groups. A ranged DPS and healer for Zeliek and Blaumeux, and 1 tank, 2 DPS, and 1 healer for each of Korth'azz and Rivendare.
- At 3 stacks of their respective Mark, the ranged DPS and healer will switch from Zeliek and Blaumeux, and the same thing goes for the other 2 groups for Korth'azz and Rivendare.
- The groups on Korth'azz and Rivendare will meet halfway, and the tanks will off each other and go to the other side of the room. Make sure to stay stacked during this because ofTauntfrom Korth'azz.Meteor
- Zeliek will cast and Blaumeux will castHoly BoltandShadow Bolt.Void Zone
- Korth'azz will cast so stay stacked, and Rivendare will castMeteor.Unholy Shadow
- After Korth'azz and Rivendare are killed, the 2 groups will move over to help with Zeliek and Blaumeux. You will still need to alternate every 3 stacks.
- Patchwerk is a DPS check fight. He will at 6 minutes.Berserk
- Two tanks are required for this fight.
- In order to soak , the off tank must be in melee range, must be second or third in threat, and must have the highest health of available targets.Hateful Strike
- The better geared tank should be the one soaking .Hateful Strike
- Patchwerk will at 5% HP.Frenzy
- Melee DPS can dip into the slime to lose HP to avoid getting hit by .Hateful Strike
- Tank Grobbulus on the outside edges of the room and face him away from the raid because of .Slime Spray
- Have your off tank pick up the Fallout Slime when the main tank gets hit by . Kill these as quickly as possible as they deal 1,000 damage every 2 seconds in a 10 yard radius.Slime Spray
- Move Grobbulus slowly every time he casts .Poison Cloud
- If you are targeted by , move close to the lastMutating Injectorbefore getting dispelled or dropping the pool, in order to conserve space within the room.Poison Cloudwill be cast more frequently throughout the fight.Mutating Injector
- Tank Gluth near the door on the other side of the room.
- Two tanks are required to deal with .Mortal Woundoff each other after reaching 3/4 stacks.Taunt
- Zombie Chows will spawn from the grates in the back of the room and will need to be kited around the back of the room until Gluth uses .Decimate
- Once is used, all Zombie Chows will be reduced to 5% HP and start to run towards Gluth. If any of them reach him they will heal him for 5% of his total HP, so kill them quickly.Decimate
- Healers must top off the tanks after is used.Decimate
- Gluth will Enrage throughout the encounter.
- Kiting the Zombie Chows will be a raid wide effort. They are slowable and stunnable. Hunters should use , Mages should useFrost TrapandFrost Nova, and Shamans should be usingBlizzardjust to name a few.Earthbind Totem
- Rogues can use combined withShivand Hunters can useMind-numbing Poisonto removeTranquilizing Shot.Enrage
Phase 1
- In this phase, you will fight Feugen and Stalagg. They must stay on their platforms the entire encounter.
- Split the raid into 2 groups. Feugen and Stalagg need to die within 5 seconds of each other or else they will resurrect with full health.
- Feugen has a aura, and Stalagg will castStatic Field.Power Surge
- Both have an ability called that will pull the opposite tank to their platform.Magnetic Pull
Phase 2
- After Feugen and Stalagg die, jump to Thaddius' platform. If you miss the jump and are late to the platform, make sure you stay away from the raid until a is casted again.Polarity Shift
- Thaddius will become active after 15 seconds.
- Once is casted, group up with players with the same charge.Polarity Shift
- Healers watch out for raid damage caused by .Chain Lightning
- There must always be someone in melee range of Thaddius or else he will use on the highest threat target.Ball Lightning
- Thaddius will Enrage after 6 minutes.
- Priests can use and Mages can useLevitateto help with the jump.Slow Fall
Phase 1
- Sapphiron has a causing raide wide damage throughout the encounter.Frost Aura
- Don't stand directly behind him to avoid being hit by his tail, and don't stand in front of him to avoid being hit by his Cleave.
- Decurse as quickly as possible.Life Drain
- Ranged DPS and Healers spread out on the same side of the room.
Avoid .Chill
Phase 2
- Occurs every 45 seconds. Sapphiron will fly into the air.
- Stay loosely spread to avoid excess damage from . This will be cast on 2 players every time.Icebolt
- After the players are hit by , run behind the block of ice to avoid the damage caused byIcebolt.Frost Breath
- After reaching 10% HP, Sapphiron will no longer fly into the air.
- Frost Resistance will help greatly with this encounter. Paladins can use and Shamans can useFrost Resistance Aura.Frost Resistance Totem
- Try not to move Sapphiron too much if you're the tank. It's okay to be hit by , it can be healed through.Chill
Phase 1
- Kel'Thuzad is invulnerable during this phase. He will become active after 3:50 minutes, this phase will be about managing the waves of adds.
- Soldiers of the Frozen Waste are slow moving, low health mobs that explode when they touch an enemy causing Shadow damage to the entire raid. Ranged DPS need to take care of these.
- Unstoppable Abominations will need to be tanked, and Melee DPS will be focusing on these.
- Soul Weavers are slow moving, and will deal AoE Shadow damage and knock back at least 3 players if it reaches their target.
Phase 2
- Finish off all remaining adds from Phase 1. Make sure to keep your distance from Soul Weavers.
- Healers watch out for burst damage on the Tank caused by . This can be interrupted.Frostbolt
- There will be AoE damage from .Frostbolt Volley
- Stay spread out to avoid chaining (won't target the tank in 10 man), as well asFrost Blast.Detonate Mana
- Move out of , this will one shot you.Shadow Fissure
Phase 3
- Starts at 45% HP.
- Two Guardians of the Icecrown will spawn that need to be picked up by the Off Tank. They will use about every 15 seconds but increases in frequency over time.Blood Tap
- Continue DPSing Kel'Thuzad and ignore the Guardians of the Icecrown.