Unholy Death Knight PvE Guide - Cataclysm Classic
Unholy Death Knights are a 2-handed plate DPS class that bring an 8% Magic Damage debuff to raids with . All Death Knights also bring a Strength and Agility buff with and a Combat Resurrection with .
Ebon Plaguebringer
Horn of Winter
Raise Ally
Cataclysm Classic Unholy Death Knight Rotation
Unholy Death Knights gain Death Runes when using thanks to their passive. A high uptime on will be crucial for optimal DPS. When your Ghoul is transformed, it won't gain stacks of , so having your Runic Power close to cap once expires will critical for getting to 5 stacks quickly, and casting again. As with any Death Knight specialization, proper Rune and Runic Power management and using at the correct times to benefit from (altered to ) will also be extremely important.
Festering Strike
Dark Transformation
Shadow Infusion
Dark Transformation
Dark Transformation
Death Coil
Runic Empowerment
Runic Corruption
- Pre-cast .Army of the Dead
- Pre-cast .Horn of Winter
- Pre-pot .Golemblood Potion
- Cast whenever you have enough Runic Power until 5 stacks.Death Coil
- Cast with all your cooldowns as soon as possible.Dark Transformation
- Cast .Icy Touch
- Cast .Plague Strike
- Cast .Death and Decay
- Cast .Festering Strike
- Cast .Blood Tap
- Cast .Scourge Strike
- Cast .Scourge Strike
- Cast .Empowered Rune Weapon
- Cast .Festering Strike
- Cast .Scourge Strike
- Cast .Scourge Strike
- Cast .Scourge Strike
- Cast .Scourge Strike
- Cast .Summon Gargoyle
- Cast .Outbreak
- Proceed with single target rotation.
Single Target
- Use .Rune of the Fallen Crusader
- Be in .Unholy Presence
- Maintain if assigned.Horn of Winter
- Cast . Best used before pull, or during non combat phases in encounters.Army of the Dead
- Cast . Best used whenBlood Tapis not active to minimize downtime.Dark Transformation
- Cast . This does not stack withUnholy Frenzy/Bloodlust.Heroism
- Cast .Summon Gargoyle
- Cast when all Runes are on cooldown and you won't cap on Runic Power.Empower Rune Weapon
- Apply andFrost FeverwithBlood PlagueorOutbreakandIcy Touchif it's on cooldown. Maintain them withPlague Strike.Festering Strike
- Cast to get to 5 stacks ofDeath Coil.Shadow Infusion
- Cast when at 5 stacks ofDark Transformation. Aim to have close to Runic Power cap when it ends so you can maximize uptime.Shadow Infusion
- Cast orDeath and Decayif it's on cooldown when both Unholy Runes or Death Runes are up.Scourge Strike
- Cast when both Frost Runes and Blood Runes are up.Festering Strike
- Cast whenDeath Coilprocs or to avoid capping on Runic Power.Sudden Doom
- Cast orDeath and Decayif it's on cooldown.Scourge Strike
- Cast .Festering Strike
- Cast .Horn of Winter
- Be in .Frost Presence
- Cast to applyOutbreakandBlood PlagueorFrost FeverandIcy Touchif it's on cooldown.Plague Strike
- Cast to spread them.Pestilence
- Cast when at 5 stacks ofDark Transformation. Aim to have close to Runic Power cap when it ends so you can maximize uptime.Shadow Infusion
- Cast orDeath and Decayif it's on cooldown when both Unholy Runes or Death Runes are up.Scourge Strike
- Cast .Blood Boil
- Cast whenDeath Coilprocs or to avoid capping on Runic Power.Sudden Doom
- Cast .Icy Touch
- Perform single target rotation, but use to spread diseases.Pestilence
For large pulls
Cataclysm Classic Unholy Death Knight Talents
Standard Build
If you want , take the 2 points out of .
Anti-Magic Zone
Improved Blood Tap
Cataclysm Classic Unholy Death Knight Glyphs
- Prime: ,
Raise Dead
,Scourge Strike
Death Coil
- Optional: For AoE, replace and
Scourge Strike
withDeath Coil
andIcy Touch
Death and Decay
- Major: ,
Blood Boil
Anti-Magic Shell
- Minor: ,
Blood Tap
,Horn of Winter
Death's Embrace
Cataclysm Classic Unholy Death Knight Best Consumables
Flasks and Elixirs
- Best:
- Flask of Titanic Strength
- Best:
- ,Seafood Magnifique Feast
- ,Beer-Basted Crocolisk
- Fortune Cookie
- Alternatives:
- ,Broiled Dragon Feast
- Hearty Seafood Soup
- Best:
- Golemblood Potion
Cataclysm Classic Unholy Death Knight Best Races
- Worgen: andViciousnessDarkflight
- Human: andSword SpecializationMace Specialization
- Gnome: Shortblade Specialization
- Dwarf: Mace Specialization
- Draenei: Heroic Presence
- Orc: ,Axe Specialization, andBlood FuryCommand
- Troll: Berserking
- Goblin: ,Time is Money, andRocket BarrageRocket Jump
- Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent
Cataclysm Classic Unholy Death Knight Best Professions
- Engineering: .Synapse Springs
- The rest of the professions are very close in power, with Blacksmithing becoming better with epic gems in T13.