Subtlety Rogue PvE Guide - Cataclysm Classic
Subtlety Rogues bring 5% Critical Strike Chance with and increased Bleed Damage with to raid.
Honor Among Thieves
Cataclysm Classic Subtlety Rogue Rotation
Subtlety Rogues have a rather complicated rotation that involes maintaining many important buffs and debuffs, as well as a handful of cooldowns that require proper usage to maximize your DPS. Just like the other Rogue specializations, Subtlety Rogues need to manage their Energy and Combo Points effectively to prevent wasting any resources. One of the things that makes this tricky is the talent , which will roughly give you 1 Combo Point every 2 seconds. This is something you really need to keep an eye out for because even during times when you are pooling Energy, you will still be generating Combo Points passively. During fights, you will often be sitting at 3 or 4 Combo Points and letting fill in the remaining 2 while you pool Energy. Another huge thing Subtlety Rogues needs to manage is , which only gets applied when you use . Spacing out your and casts to maximize the uptime of this debuff will be critical.
Honor Among Thieves
Honor Among Thieves
Find Weakness
Shadow Dance
- Use pre-pull.Tricks of the Trade
- Pre-cast at 5 Combo Points. You can generate Combo Points from healer crits thanks toSlice and Dice.Honor Among Thieves
- Pre-pot .Potion of the Tol'vir
- Go into .Stealth
- Use .Premeditation
- Use andShadowstep.Ambush
- Use at 5 Combo Points.Rupture
- Use .Hemorrhage
- Use until 3 or 4 Combo Points, then pool Energy and letBackstabfill up your Combo Points.Honor Among Thieves
- If you didn't pre-cast , use it at 5 Combo Points, otherwise useSlice and Diceat 5 Combo Points.Recuperate
- Proceed to single target rotation.
Single Target
- Use on Main-hand,Instant Poisonon Off-hand, andDeadly Poisonon Thrown weapon.Wound Poison
- Maintain at 5 Combo Points and make sure to apply it when you have theRupturebuff. A 5 Combo PointMaster of Subtletywill refresh it thanks toEviscerate.Serrated Blades
- Maintain .Slice and Dice
- Maintain because ofRecuperate.Energetic Recovery
- Use .Preparation
- Use .Tricks of the Trade
- Use at high levels of Energy.Shadow Dance
- Use before you useShadowstep. DuringAmbush, use it after your firstShadow Danceso your next one benefits from theAmbushbuff andShadowstepbuff.Find Weakness
- Use . Always aim to have this available when youPremeditationorVanish.Shadow Dance
- Apply withFind WeaknessduringAmbushandVanish.Shadow Dance
- Maintain bleed fromHemorrhage.
Glyph of Hemorrhage
- Use at 5 Combo Points.Eviscerate
- Use to generate Combo Points.Backstab
- Use to generate Combo Points if you can'tHemorrhagethe target.Backstab
- For very large pulls use at , otherwise proceed with single target rotation.Fan of Knives
Cataclysm Classic Subtlety Rogue Talents
Standard Build
Cataclysm Classic Subtlety Rogue Glyphs
- Prime: ,
Slice and Dice
- Optional: If you can't , replace
- Major: ,
Tricks of the Trade
- Optional: ,
Fan of Knives
- Minor: ,
Safe Fall
,Blurred Speed
Cataclysm Classic Subtlety Rogue Best Consumables
Flasks and Elixirs
- Best:
- Flask of the Winds
- Best:
- ,Seafood Magnifique Feast
- ,Skewered Eel
- Fortune Cookie
- Alternatives:
- ,Broiled Dragon Feast
- Tender Baked Turtle
- Best:
- Potion of the Tol'vir
Weapon Buffs
- Best:
- on Main-handInstant Poison
- on Off-handDeadly Poison
Cataclysm Classic Subtlety Rogue Best Races
- Night Elf: Shadowmeld
- Worgen: andViciousnessDarkflight
- Gnome: Shortblade Specialization
- Troll: Berserking
- Goblin: ,Time is Money, andRocket BarrageRocket Jump
- Orc: Blood Fury
- Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent
Cataclysm Classic Subtlety Rogue Best Professions
- Engineering: .Synapse Springs
- The rest of the professions are very close in power, with Blacksmithing becoming better with epic gems in T13.