Frost Death Knight PvE Guide - Cataclysm Classic
Frost Death Knights are a dual-wield plate DPS class that bring a 4% Physical Damage with and a Melee Attack Speed debuff with . All Death Knights also bring a Strength and Agility buff with and a Combat Resurrection with .
Brittle Bones
Improved Icy Talons
Horn of Winter
Raise Ally
Cataclysm Classic Frost Death Knight Rotation
Frost Death Knights gain 2 permanent Death Runes thanks to . Their rotation includes two DoT effects that need to be maintained, as well as two important procs to watch out for in and . As with any Death Knight specialization, proper Rune and Runic Power management will be critical for optimal DPS and using at the correct times to benefit from will also be extremely important.
Blood of the North
Killing Machine
Frost Strike
Runic Empowerment
- Whenever all or most of your procs align in your opener, cast .Raise Dead
- Pre-cast .Army of the Dead
- Pre-cast .Horn of Winter
- Pre-pot .Golemblood Potion
- Cast .Pillar of Frost
- Cast .Outbreak
- Cast .Howling Blast
- Cast .Obliterate
- Proceed with single target rotation.
Single Target
- Use on Main-hand andRune of Razoriceon Off-hand.Rune of the Fallen Crusader
- Be in .Unholy Presence
- Maintain if assigned.Horn of Winter
- Cast . Best used before pull, or during non combat phases in encounters.Army of the Dead
- Cast to refresh a Rune recently consumed.Blood Tap
- Cast .Pillar of Frost
- Cast when all Runes are on cooldown and you won't cap on Runic Power.Empower Rune Weapon
- Cast . Try to snapshot it with your cooldowns and trinket procs.Raise Dead
- Maintain andFrost Fever.Blood PlagueappliesHowling Blastthanks toFrost Fever.
Glyph of Howling Blast
andOutbreakwill need to be used to maintainPlague Strike.Blood Plague - Cast to avoid capping on Runic Power.Frost Strike
- Cast . Keep an eye out forHowling Blastprocs.Rime
- Cast to avoid capping on Unholy Runes.Obliterate
- Cast .Horn of Winter
- Cast .Death and Decay
- Proceed with single target rotation.
Cataclysm Classic Frost Death Knight Talents
Masterfrost Build
Cataclysm Classic Frost Death Knight Glyphs
- Prime: ,
Frost Strike
Howling Blast
- Optional: or
Raise Dead
- Major: ,
Anti-Magic Shell
Death Grip
- Minor: ,
Horn of Winter
Blood Tap
Cataclysm Classic Frost Death Knight Best Consumables
Flasks and Elixirs
- Best:
- Flask of Titanic Strength
- Best:
- ,Seafood Magnifique Feast
- ,Beer-Basted Crocolisk
- Fortune Cookie
- Alternatives:
- ,Broiled Dragon Feast
- Hearty Seafood Soup
- Best:
- Golemblood Potion
Cataclysm Classic Frost Death Knight Best Races
- Worgen: andViciousnessDarkflight
- Human: andSword SpecializationMace Specialization
- Gnome: Shortblade Specialization
- Dwarf: Mace Specialization
- Draenei: Heroic Presence
- Orc: andAxe SpecializationBlood Fury
- Troll: Berserking
- Goblin: ,Time is Money, andRocket BarrageRocket Jump
- Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent
Cataclysm Classic Frost Death Knight Best Professions
- Engineering: .Synapse Springs
- The rest of the professions are very close in power, with Blacksmithing becoming better with epic gems in T13.