Arms Warrior PvE Guide - Cataclysm Classic
Arms Warriors bring increased Bleed Damage and 4% Physical Damage taken with Blood Frenzy to raids. All Warriors also bring a Strength and Agility buff with , Stamina buff with , and Armor Reduction with .
Battle Shout
Commanding Shout
Sunder Armor
Cataclysm Classic Arms Warrior Rotation
Arms Warriors have a simple priority system, but as with any class that uses Rage or Energy, managing your resources properly will be critical to perform well. Making sure you make the most out of your windows (3 yellow hits during the debuff), and proper usage of and will make a huge impact on your DPS. Another complexity of the Arms Warriors rotation is Stance Dancing but this can be simplified by macroing together the abilities and their corresponding stances.
Colossus Smash
Inner Rage
Deadly Calm
- Pre-cast orBattle Shout.Commanding Shout
- Pre-pot .Golemblood Potion
- Cast .Charge
- Cast .Rend
- Cast andMortal Strike.Heroic Strike
- Cast . UseDeadly Calmon cooldown during the buff.Heroic Strike
- Cast .Colossus Smash
- Cast (Off GCD).Heroic Leap
- Cast .Overpower
- Cast .Mortal Strike
- Cast .Overpower
- Proceed with single target rotation.
Single Target
- Use and maintain 3 stacks of if assigned.Sunder Armor
- Maintain orBattle Shoutif assigned.Commanding Shout
- Maintain .Rendwill take care of this thanks toMortal Strike.Lambs to the Slaughter
- Use if assigned.Shattering Throw
- Use when high on Rage.Inner Rage
- Use when low on Rage.Deadly Calm
- Use .Recklessness
- Use as long as the target doesn't currently have theColossus Smashdebuff. Watch out forColossus Smashprocs.Sudden Death
- Use .Mortal Strike
- Use withOverpowerprocs.Taste for Blood
- Use withHeroic Strikeproc or if you have excess Rage.Battle Trance
- Use to dump Rage for targets below 20% HP.Execute
- Use to dump Rage.Slam
- Use orBattle Shoutto generate Rage.Commanding Shout
- Use .Sweeping Strikes
- Proceed with single target rotation. When runs out, replaceSweeping StrikeswithHeroic Strike.Cleave
- If running the talent , useBlood and Thunderand spread it withRend.Thunder Clap
- Use .Bladestorm
- Use .Sweeping Strikes
- Proceed with single target rotation. When runs out, replaceSweeping StrikeswithHeroic Strike.Cleave
- For 4+ targets, replace withColossus Smash.Whirlwind
2 targets:
3+ targets:
Cataclysm Classic Arms Warrior Talents
Standard Build
For pure single target fights, you can remove 2 points from and put them into . If you need a single target stun, you can move the point from into .
Blood and Thunder
Drums of War R1
Cataclysm Classic Arms Warrior Glyphs
- Prime: ,
Mortal Strike
- Major: ,
Sweeping Strikes
- Optional: or
Colossus Smash
Thunder Clap
- Minor: ,
Berserker Rage
Cataclysm Classic Arms Warrior Best Consumables
Flasks and Elixirs
- Best:
- Flask of Titanic Strength
- Best:
- ,Seafood Magnifique Feast
- ,Beer-Basted Crocolisk
- Fortune Cookie
- Alternatives:
- ,Broiled Dragon Feast
- Hearty Seafood Soup
- Best:
- Golemblood Potion
Cataclysm Classic Arms Warrior Best Races
- Worgen: andViciousnessDarkflight
- Human: andSword SpecializationMace Specialization
- Dwarf: Mace Specialization
- Draenei: Heroic Presence
- Orc: andAxe SpecializationBlood Fury
- Goblin: ,Time is Money, andRocket BarrageRocket Jump
- Troll: Berserking
Cataclysm Classic Arms Warrior Best Professions
- Engineering: .Synapse Springs
- The rest of the professions are very close in power, with Blacksmithing becoming better with epic gems in T13.