Affliction Warlock PvE Guide - Cataclysm Classic
Affliction Warlocks bring a Max Mana and MP5 buff to raids with their 's to raids. They also bring 5% Crit for spells with and 8% Magic Damage taken with . Their is now also a Combat Resurrection just like Druid 's ability.
Summon Felhunter
Fel Intelligence
Shadow and Flame
Curse of the Elements
Cataclysm Classic Affliction Warlock Rotation
Affliction Warlocks are very similar to how they were in Wrath of the Lich King. All Warlocks gain a new cooldown as well as a new buff . Their got changed so you no longer need to manually refresh on targets below 25% HP, and is still refreshed automatically thanks to . Their new spell coupled with
Glyph of Soul Swap also makes them even deadlier for 2 target encounters.
Demon Soul
Dark Intent
Unstable Affliction
Everlasting Affliction
Soul Swap

- Whenever all or most of your procs align in your opener, cast for single target fights, orSummon Doomguardfor aoe fights.Summon Infernal
- Pre-pot .Volcanic Potion
- Pre-cast to applyShadow Boltif assigned, otherwise pre-castShadow and Flame.Haunt
- Cast if assigned while running at boss.Curse of the Elements
- Cast if you didn't do it above.Haunt
- Cast .Demon Soul
- Cast .Unstable Affliction
- Cast while running at boss.Corruption
- Cast while running at boss.Bane of Doom
- Cast .Shadowflame
- Cast .Shadow Bolt
- Proceed with single target rotation.
Single Target
- Use .Summon Felhunter
- Maintain debuff if assigned. This means you might need to castShadow and Flameevery 30 seconds during your execute phase.Shadow Bolt
- Maintain if assigned.Curse of the Elements
- Cast (single) orSummon Doomguard(aoe). Try your best to snapshot it with your Spellpower/Intellect trinket procs.Summon Infernal
- Cast .Demon Soul
- Maintain . Keep in mind this spell has a travel time.Haunt
- Maintain . Refresh in between the second to last and last tick.Bane of Doom
- Maintain .CorruptionandDrain Soulwill take care of this withHaunt.Everlasting Affliction
- Maintain . Refresh in between the second to last and last tick.Unstable Afflictionwill take care of this withDrain Soulon targets below 25% HP.Pandemic
- Cast on targets 25% HP or below. You should interruptDrain Soulright after one of its ticks to maintain your DoTs if they are about to expire.Drain Soul
- Cast if you are in melee range.Shadowflame
- Cast .Shadow Bolt
- Cast while moving.Soulburn: Soul Fire
- Cast while moving.Fel Flame
- Maintain all DoTs on both targets. Cast on the second target.Bane of Agony
- Cast to spread yourSoul SwapandCorruption.Unstable Affliction
- Try to maintain andShadow Embraceon both targets withShadow and Flame.Shadow Bolt
- Proceed with single target rotation.
- Maintain all DoTs on each target.
- Use to spreadSoulburn: Seed of Corruptionif it's off cooldown, otherwise cast it manually.Corruption
- Cast if you are in melee range.Shadowflame
- Cast to help spread DoTs faster. Use this on the enemy you castSoul Swapon sinceBane of Agonycan only effect 1 target at a time.Bane of Doom
- Proceed with single target rotation.
- Cast .Soulburn: Seed of Corruption
- Cast if you are in melee range.Shadowflame
- Cast repeatedly on the same target.Seed of Corruption
For 2 targets:
For 3 - 5 targets:
6+ targets:
Cataclysm Classic Affliction Warlock Talents
Standard Build
Cataclysm Classic Affliction Warlock Glyphs
- Prime: ,
Unstable Affliction
- Major: ,
Shadow Bolt
Soul Swap
- Optional: ,
Soul Link
Life Tap
- Minor: ,
Drain Soul
,Ritual of Souls
Unending Breath
Cataclysm Classic Affliction Warlock Best Consumables
Flasks and Elixirs
- Best:
- Flask of the Draconic Mind
- Best:
- ,Seafood Magnifique Feast
- ,Severed Sagefish Head
- Fortune Cookie
- Alternatives:
- ,Broiled Dragon Feast
- Pickled Guppy
- Best:
- Volcanic Potion
Cataclysm Classic Affliction Warlock Best Races
- Worgen: andViciousnessDarkflight
- Gnome: Expansive Mind
- Orc: andBlood FuryCommand
- Goblin: ,Time is Money, andRocket BarrageRocket Jump
- Troll: Berserking
- Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent
Cataclysm Classic Affliction Warlock Best Professions
- Engineering: .Synapse Springs
- The rest of the professions are very close in power, with Blacksmithing becoming better with epic gems in T13.